+tó ci heLifeof Chrifi. h'om. 326, Pfal. 8 L. i a. Magna Dei ira esl quando pec- cantihus non i- aj,..atrir Deus. Hier. Ep0.3 3. ad Cal rat. Ira eft Dei nan intelligere deli- aa, ne f,pgxatur p.enitentia. Cy- prian. Ep f .3. Pe: cuff; funt animi cæcttate ut nec intelti- gan: deliFla nec p!a;tgznt. tndig- nantis Dei ma- jor efi hæe ira. idem de lag,. h`Heb.8. f, iHof. to. 6,5. ter. 4S. z;. k Hofea 8.14. New ex .4rbitrio Deo f;vien- darr, /ed ex im- perio. Vid. Ter. de !elan e. 3 v,d Ch:yT/l. i z Rom. Aug. de civil-. Dei, &lb.f.c.i8, I Hooker hb.2. (eel. 6, penitency of their owne hearts, to be a rule and way unto themfelves. cats people would not hearken to my voice, and Ifrael would none of me. So I gave them up unt o their owne hearts luf ;. and they walked in their owne counfels.. Let us therefore take heed of a mill- holine0"e. Wee are the fervants of Chrif#, and our members are to bee the inf ruments of righteon *ne fie ;. and fervants are to bee governed by the will of their Mailers and members to bee guided by the influence of the head, and inf}ruments to bee applyed to all their fervices by the fuperiour caufe, h Every thing, which c 3 ofea did about the Tabernacle was to bee done after the patterne which he had feene in the Mount and every thing which wee doe in thefe fpi. rituali Tabernacles, wee are to doe after the patterne of him who is fet before us.The fervices of Ifrael,afcer their revolt from the houle of David, when they built Altars and multiplyed facrifices, were as chargeable, as fpecious, and in humane difcourfe every whit as rationall, as thofe at Ierufalem ; yet wee finde when they would bee wifer than God, and preS'cribe the way wherein they meant to worship him, all i ended in fhame and dishonour; T. thel,which wasGods houle before, is turned into B etha_ ven a houfè of vanitie : k Ifrael hathforgotten his Maker, and bHildeth Temples, faith the Prophet. One would rhinke that he who builds Temples had God, who was in them to be worfhipped, often in bis mind ; but to remem. her God ocherwife:than he hath required, to build many Temples, when bee had appointed but one Temple and one Altar for all that people to refort unto, this washy forgetting Gods Will and Word to forget likewife his fervice and worship, becaufe to ferve him other wife than bee requireth, is not to worfhip, but to rob and mocke ham. I In Gods fervice it is a greater fin to do that which we are not to do, than not to do that which we are com- manded. This is but a fin ofomiffion ; but that a fin of fa- criledge and high contempt : in this we charge the Law onely.