Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The Life of Chriji. one 1 with difficultie, but in that with folly ; in this wee difcover our weakeneffe to doe the will, but in that wee declare our impudence and arrogancie to control! the Wìtedome of God: In this we acknowledge or own in- fufficiencie, in that wee deny the all- f.rfficienLie and ple- nitude of Gods owne Law. But what ever opinion men have of their owne witdomes, and contributions in Gods fervice,, yet hee efteemes them all but as ludicrous things, as games, and playes,and acing of mimicall dan. cings : m The people rate downe to ease and drink!, and m E xoel. 3 z.6. rote up to play. W hat -ever a6ion therefore you goe about, doe it by Role, enquire out of the Scriptures whether Chrift would have done it or no, at leaf whether he allow it or no. It is true, tomethings are lawful! and expedient with us, [. which were not fumble unto the perfon of Chriff. Mar- riage is honourable with all other men, but it did not befit his Perfon who carne into the world to fpirítuall purpofes onely, to beget fons and daughters unto God, and to be myltrcally married unto his Church. To write bookes is commendable with men, becaufe, like e4bel, being dead, they may fill fpeake, and teach thofe who never faw them. But it would have beene derogatorie to the Perlon, and unbecomming the office of Christ. For it is his prerogative to bee in the middeft of the feven Candlefickes, to bee prefent to all his members,to teach by power, and not by miniftery, to teach by his Spirit Cathedram hz and not by his pen, to teach the hearts of men, and not c lis habet, quì their eyes or eares. He bath no mortalitie, difance, or Corda docet. abtence to bee by fuck meanes fupplyect. It became him to commit thele minifteriall actions to his fervants, and to referve to himfelfe that great honour of writing his Law in the hearts of his people, and making them to bee his Epiltle. But yet I fay, as in thefe things, We mutt re- ípeet his allowance, fo in others let us refeet upon his ex- ample. W ben thou art tempted to loofenefte, and im- moder 42'7