4z8 Luk,za.54SS 56. ROM. 3.a a. 7 be Life of Chriß. moderate living, aske thy Confcience but this queftion, would Chritl have drunke unto fwinilhnelle, or eaten unto exceflre ? would he have waf ed his precious time at Stewes, Stages, or Tavernes, or taken delight in finfull and delperate fellow Chip ? Did Chria frequently pray both with his Difciplcs, and alone by himfelfe, and !hall I never either in my family or in my clofet thinke upon God ? did Chrif open his wounds, and fhall.not I open my mouth ? was not his bloud toopretious to redeeme, and is my breath too good to inflruá his Church ? Was Chrif} merciful! to his enemies, and (hall I bee cruel! to his members ? Againe, for the manner of Chrifs obe- dience ; did Clint! ferve G o D without all lelfe-ends, meerely in obedience, and to glorifie him; and (hall I make Gods worlliip fubordinate to my aymes, and his religion ferve turnes ? [liai! I doe what I do without any love or joy, meerely out of flavitli feare, and compullion of Confcience ? Thus if we did refolve our fervices in- to their true originals, and- meafure them by the Holi- nefe of Chrif}, and have him ever before our eyes, it would bee a great meanes of living in comfort and fpiri- tuall conformitie to Gods Law. And there are, amongff diverfe others, two great en- couragements thereunto : Firl}, while we follow Chrifc wee are out of all danger, His Angels have us in their armes, wee are under the protection of bis promifes, as every good Subjeát in the Kings way is under the Kings proteátio;i, Peter never denied Chritl, nor was atlàul- ted by the fervants of' the High Prieft till hee gave over following him. Secondly, the more we follow Chritt, the neerer fill we come u, tto him. Becaufe Chriif is en- tered into his red, hee is now at home, bee is not now in motion, but he fitteth !fill at his Fathers right hand, and bath no higher nor no further to goe; and therefore fo long as I halten and prefle forward in his way, I mull needs bee the neerer unto him. Tour falvation id neerer, faith