The o f Chr. faith the Apoflle, then when you firfrbeleeved. But a man will fay, how fhall I doe to follow Chrifl ? I anfwer in one word, deny thy felfe, and' thou doefl then .i follow him : get out of thine owne way, and thou canal not mille of his. The world never rules us but by our owne lufis ; Satan never overcomes us but by our owne wills, and with our owne weapons ; when he is refilled bee Ryes. As Hannibal was wont to fay, that the onely way to fight againfl Rome was in Italy ; fo the other enemies of our falvation know that there is no conque- ring the foule but in its owne way. As footle as any titan forfakes his owne way, Chrifl is at hand to lead him into his. Hee will be tfiirdome to thole that deny their owne reafon; he will be Redemption to thofe that defpife their owne merits ; he will bee Sanfiification to thofe that call off their owne lulls ; he will be Salvati- on to thofe that relinquifh their owne ends ; he willbe all things to thofe that are nothing to themfelves. Now we have (as I may fo fpeake ) two felves : d ¡elfe cf na- ture, and a felfe of flaw; and both muff be denied for Chrifl. This we muff ever call away as a fnare, and that we mull be ever ready to lay downe, as a facrifice, when he is pleased to let himfelfe in competition with And fo much for the Life of Holineffe which we have in Chrifl. Laflly, he that bath the Sonne, hath the Life of glory affured to him. For he a bath made us to fit together with him in heavenly places : and b when he appeases we {hall be like him. He (hall change c our vile bodies into the fimilitude of his glorious body. When d bee comes we (hall meet him, and be ever with him. `Hee is afcended to his Father and our Father, to his God and our God, and therefore to this Kingdome, and r our Kingdome : His by perfcnall propriety, and hypofla- ticall union : ours by his purchafe and merit, and by our rnyflicall union and fellowfhip with him. He is gone to re are 42,9 Rom.i3, I Macthe i 6.a4 tames 4.1.,1 I Iohn a.16,17 lames 4.7 a Eph.t.6 b1 lohn ;.a Phi1,3 z r d t Theflf4.17' °.Iohn to.a' ' Luke.2 :,30 z Tim. 4.4 z iet.i.[t g Matth.rç .14 Iames z.s RevC'.S.YO =_-- ------=---