Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

430 h Hcb.6.18 ' RoEn.84; NNW argr:icd pro pignoreacci- pimssd xt ipjaan plenitudrne.m defderare nove- rimrrs.Aug.ep. 6. h NuM13. 23 ,gpheia-r4 Ioh.16.73, Ia, If The i fe of aryl. prepare a place for us. In Earth hee was ourfurety to an- fwcr the Penalty of our finnes ; and in Heaven he is our eAdvocate, to take feifin and poffefïion of that King- dome for us ; Our Captain; and Fore - runner, and High Pricff, who bath not onely carried our names, but bath broken off the veile of the San.fuary, and given us ac- ceffe into the Holicft of all. And he that bath the Sonne, bath this life already in three regards : Firft, in precio, he bath the price that procured it efreemed his. It was sought with the precious blood of Chrift in his Name, and to his ufe, and it was fo bought for him, that he bath a prefent right and chime unto it.It is not his in rcverGón after an expiration of any others right(there arc no leales nor reverfions in heaven) but it is his as an inheritance is the heires after the death of the Ancetfor, who yet by minority of yeares, or d iffance of place may occupy and poffeffe it by fome other perfon. Secondly, He hath it in yroms:Co, He bath Gods Charter, his Affurance foaled with an oath, and a double Sacrament, to eftablifh his heart in the cxpe&ation of it. By h two immutable things, faith the Apof }le, namely the Word and the Oath of God, wherein it was impofl'iblc for him to lye, we have ffrong confolation, and great ground of hope ; which hope is Pure and fledfaft, and lcadeth xs to that place which is within the vcile,whither Chrift our Fore.runncr is gone before us. Thirdly, he bath it in i primitsis,in the earneff, and firif fruites and hankll of it ; in thofe k few chillers of grapes, and bunches of figges, thofe graces of Chrilfs Spirit, that peace, comforts ferenity, which is Flied forth into the heart already from that heavenly Canaan. The Holy Spirit of Promife is the earneft of our inheritance, until' the redemption or full fruition and revelation of our purchafed poflèfion to the praifc of his glory. The Graces of the Spirit in the foule are as certaine and infal- lible evidences offalvation, as the day Starre or the mor- -ning aurora is ofthe enfuing day, or Sun - riling. For all fpiritualik