The LífeofChril. fpirituall things in the foule are the beginnings of' Hea. ven, parcels of that Spirit, the fulneffe and refidue where- of is in Chrifls keeping to adorne us with, when he !hall prefent us unto his Father. But this Doctrine of the Life of' Glory is in this life more to bec made ufc of', than curioufly to bee enquired into. O then where the m Treafure is, let the heart bee; n where the body is, let the Eagles refort ; if we are al- ready free- men of heaven, let our thoughts, our language, our ° convertation, our trading be for heaven. Let us Pet our faces towards our home. P Let us awake out of leepe, confidering that now our falvation is neerer than when wee firíl beleeved. If we have (la hope to be like him at his comming, let us purifie our (elves even as he is pure ; fine there is a r price, an high calling, a crowne before us, let us prefle forward with all c violence of de, votion, never thinke our felves farre enough, but prepare our hearts dill, and lay hold on every advantage to fur- ther our progreffe : Since there is a rest remaining for the people of God, let us labour to enter into it, and to a hold fall our profellon, that X as well abfent as pre: felt we may be accepted of him. Secondly, fince wee know that if our Y earthly houfe of this tabernacle be diffolved, wee have a building of God, an houfe not made with hands, eternall in the hea- vens; Let us feeie the burden of our<flefhly corruptions and groane after our redemption, Let us long for the re- velation of the tonnes of God, and for his Z appearing, as the Saints under the Altar, A Flow long Lord lefuu,. ho. lj and jff ? Thirdly, let us with enlarg'd and ravilh'd aff`aions, with all the .vigour and aetivitie of enflamed hearts re- count the great love of God, who bath not onely deli- vered us from his wrath, but made us formes, married his owne infinite Ma j.efly to our nature in the unity of his Sonnes Perlon, and made us in him b. and 431. Matth.ó.st " Matth.:40. 8 Phil.3. so pRom t Tohn;. 3 r Phil ;.t3,i4 jMatNt. ta.t>s r Hcb.q.9,t t ° Heb.1o'2o,:3 sÇor.S.y r z CMS'. t,s Rom 8.s; z 3 ' Revcl,6, ro b Revd. t:6