43i a Iohn3.r ( hn r7.4,5 Tim.4 7,3 lohn 15.8 Col 3.3 Pfal.36.9 a I Tim.3.6 b a Per.; ,4 cI'rova 4. To The Life of Chr/1. and heires unto God. c Beloved, what manner of Love, hod, unfearcbable, how bottomleffe, how furpaf ng the apprehenfions of men or eAngclr is the Love of God to tas, fifth the Apofile, that wee íhould bec called the fonnes of of God ? La-ftïy, if God will glorifie us with his Life hereafter, let us labour as much as wee can to glorifie him in our lives here. It was our Saviours argument ( who might have entered into glory as his owne without any filch way of procurement, if his owne voluntary underta- king the office of Mediator had not concluded him )glo- I ri fle me with thy felfe, wi th the dory which I had 73 ith thee before the world Was ; for I have glorified thee on earth, have finifhed the worlke which thou ;avefr me to doe. If we are indeed perfwaded that there is laid up for us a crowne of righteoufnefe, we cannot but with Saint Paul refolve to fight a good fight, to finial our courfe, to keepe the faith, to bring forth much fruit, that cur Father may be glorified in us. And now having unfolded this three-fold Life which the faithfull have in Chrift, we may further take notice of three attributes or properties of this life, both to hum- ble and to fecure us ; and they are all couched in one word of the Apoftle, your life is hid with Christ in God. It is in Chrifts keeping, as in the hands of faithful! dc- pofitary ; and it is a Life in God, a full Life, a derivation from the Fountaine of life, where it is furer and Tweeter than in any Cifterne. Here then are three properties ofa Chrifcians life in Chr-ift ; firft, Obísuritie, fecondly, Plen- tie : thirdly, Safetie or eternity. Firfi, it is an obfcure life, a fecret and myfterious life : fo the Apofile calleth a God- linefe a (i`lityltery. As there is a myflery of iniqui- tie, and the hidden things of uncleanneffe : fo there is a UWyflery of Gadlineffe, and the b hidden man of the heart. The Life of Grace firfl' is hidden totally from the wicked. c A fi<ranger loth not intermeddle With a riihte- ans