4-34 .Eph.4.z4: Eph.3. c 9. K4.1.17.15. Eph.4. 30. a Prov.z9.27. b ECa.8.14..18 Zac.;.8. Pfal. ä 1.7. 4 Rev. a.1'. The Life o f Cbril'. underftand the excellency of our inheritance by thefe leales and affurances which ratifie our right thereunto, than one who never fàw the Sunne could con j ee { ure the light and luf{re thereof by the twinekling of a little filar, or thepiture thereof in a table ; Onely this wee know, that when he fhall appeare,we'hall be like unto him ; rat onely in trite holine(fe. for fo we are like him now (wee are already createdafter hips in righteoufne f e and true holinefe).but infra holise fj'e too ; we ihail be filled with all the fulne fe of God, as the fame Apofile 1peakes : Such a fulneíle as !hall fatisfie us:when I awake I/ball be fatif fed with thy likene f f °e. Therefore the lall day is by an emphafis called a lay of redemption. Firf, in regard of the manifefl;Atioat and revelation thereof. The Lord (hall then appeare and bee revealed from heaven, all thole curtcns fhall be drawne, thofe vailes betweene us and our Glory, thof skinnes with which the Arke is over- laid,fhall be torne and`recaoved : our finnes, our earth- ly condition our manifold afiliEtions, the feeming pover- tie and fooli(hnes of the ordinances, !hall be all laid afide, and then we (hall fee our Redeemer, not as lob did from a dunghill, nor as Mofes through a cloude, but we !hall know even as we are known. Here then we fee one of the maine reafon s why wic- ked men defpife religion, and a abominate the righteous, as b lignes and wonders to bee fpoken againfL They judge of spiritual things as blind men do of colours.Thefe are hidden myf}eries to them, no marvel! if they count it a firange thing , and a very madneffe that others runne not to their exceffe. But our comfort is that our hope is Germen, a growing thing, a Bone full of eyes, a hidden (Manna , (íweete though fecret) a new name, which though no other man can know, yet he that receiveth it is able to reade. And this is the reafon too why the Saints themfelves are not enough afleeted with the beautie of Holineffe, becaufe