436 I The Life of ChrifI. vince a man, that hee wonders at his former ffuprditie, which never admired fuch things before. Againe the faithfull are hereto be direfted in this fate of obfcuritie how to carry themfelves under thofe cor- ruptions, temptations, defertions, which here hide the brrghtnefíe and beautie of their life from them. )firf}, above all preferve finceritie in the heart. There is no- thing in us fo perfca, fo contrary to our corruptions as finceritie ; that will ever bee to the foule in the midi} of darkneffe as a chinke in a dungeon, through which it may difcerne fome glimmerings oflight; whereas with- out it all othr r thewes and pretences are but like win Bowes faf}ned upon a thicke wall onely foruniformity in the building ; though they feeme fpecious to the be- holder without yet inward they tranfmit no light at all, becaufe they are laid over an opace body. Secondly, fof}er not temptations, doe not pleade nor promote the Divels caufe, fee not forward thine enemies fuggefiions. Though it bee our dutie to have our Ganes alwaies be- fore us, fo it bee upon the fuggeftion and propofall of Gods Spirit ; yet we muff turne our eyes from our very finnes when Sathan difplayestherrr.Chria will bee con - feffed, but bee forbids the Divels to confeffe him ; and God will have finne to be felt and feene, but as a dutie, not as a temptation; in his owne word, not in Satans falfe glaffes ; to draw us unto him, not to drive or de- terre us from him. When the fpirit convinceth of thine, it is to amend us ; but when Sathan doch it, it is onely to affright and confound us. And commonly hee drives to one fìnne,to cover another. Againe the Spirit opens finne in the foule as a Chirurgion doth a wound, in a dole roome,with fire, friends. and remedies about him : but the divill firii drawes a man from the \ Jord,from Chrift, from the promifes, and then !trips the foule, and opens the wounds thereof in the cold aire only to kill and tor- ment, not to cure or relieve. In fuch a cafe therefore the Soule.