`I be Life of Chrì fl. 437 Soule íhould lay the faf er hold upon Chrift, and when there is no light fhould truft upon the name of the Lord and stay upon his Goal. Thirdly, in 1pirituall defertions exercife faith to fee God when hee is ablent r goe into the watch Tower, review thine owne and other mens experiences of Gods dealing ; refolve to trui't him though he kill thee ; refolve to cleave to him,as Elifba to Eliab, though bee offer to depart from thee; reiolve to venture upon him when he feemes angry and arm'J againft thee; refolve co runne after him when bee bath forsaken thee; endure rather his blowes than his ahíence; therefore he removes that thou ihouldeft cry after him ; therefore bee hides from thee,not that thou lhouldeft lofe him, but onely that thou ihouldeft feeke him : And there is croft comfort in a life recovered. Difficulties fweeten our fru- ition ; and there is a fulneffe in Chrift which will at laft bean ample reward of all preceeding difcomforts. Secondly, the life which we have by Chrift is a plen- a Ioh.i,, io, tenus and abundant life, a I am come, faith he, that they might bave life, and that they might have it more aboun- dantly. b Ii e that believeth on mee,out of bir belly Jhall oh. c Ezet flow rivers of living water, like the c waters of E. ekiels 5, vifìon,which !welled from the ancles to the loynes, and from thence to an unpaflable ftreame. So the Apoftle faith that the Lord had d shed forth the Spirit ,aboten- d Tic.3.6. dandy in the renewing of his Saints. And it is an obfer- vation which you may eafily makes that fundry times in the Apo ,les wri pings the graces of the Goipell are called tiue e riches of Chrt fi-, and the riches of his grace, e Ep h, r.7. and the riches of hl s my; {erie, and the riches of his Glo- 3.8. r. v,and the riches of his reproaches, and the f treafure _-1.27. o ofagoodheart; By all which is expreffed the precioasfnes, Heb.i 1.26, and the abundance of the Spirit which wee have from fM.c, z s.3 5. Ì the Life of C .rüt, Therefore the Spirit is compared $ Eray r 2.1. unto g water, and that not onely to h rinkle and bedew Ioh.7.3 $. men,but to walh and baptife them ; h yee fhall bee bapti- F f 3 zed