43g i a Cori 6. : a. 6t. ECay T he Life of Chriji. zed with the ,Hoy Ghost. As water know es no bounds within it fèlfe,is only limited by the veffell which holds it ;, fó the Spirit is of a very fpreading and unlimited pro - pertie it felfe , and is only itraitned by the narrowneffe of thofe hearts unto which it comes. i Te are not flrait. nedin at, faith the Apoftle, or in our minifterie, wee preach aboundance of grace unto you ; but ye are flrait_ ned in your owne bowels ; you are like narrow mouthed veffelIs ; though floodes of knowledge, fall downe (k The earth fball be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the Sea,)yet but drops fall in. This is a great grieving ofthe Spirit of life, and indignity done to the fpringing and abounding vertue which hee brings, for us by our fupinenes and fecuritie to damme up this fountaine, to let this garden of fpices be overgrown with weeds; to nippe, Rifle, and keepe under the Graces of Chrift ;;. not to receive a proportionable meafure of growthto thofe meanes , and influences which bee af- fords us. Lafily,the Life which we have from Chrift is a Safe, an Abiding,an Eternali Life: the longer it continues,the more it abounds. It is fuch a life as runnes not into death. Our earthly life is indeed but a dying and de- caying life : but our fpirituall life is agrowing Life.It is called in Scripture our abiding in Chrifl to note that our eflate in him is a fixed, conftant and fecure efface. Life can End in Death but upon two reafons ; either by an inward principle and propenj'on carrying it through flow and infenfible progreffes to a diffolution ; or by the a faults and violence of outward oppo f tions : either it muff be a naturali or a violent death. low the life which wee: have, from Chrift bath no ieedes of morcalitie in it feIfe,_ becaafe it comes from Chrif} : and as hee faw no corruption , fo nothing that rifeth from him doth of it felfe tend to corruption ; for (,'hrifl dyeth no more, death. -bath no more power over him. He now lived) ever;not only