Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

T he Life of Cbrill . onely by himfelfe, but over his members ; not onely as man, but as a member of his owne Bodie -which body of it felfe.,and as it is His Body , in that Spirituali and Heavenly conffitution,and under that denomination can no more die, then Chriff fuller againe. For the Body of Christ, gild tale, bath no feed of corruption in it from him. For the Apoftle faith, that the feed by which we are regenerated isa Incorruptible lied. a : Pet.i.x ;. All the danger than muff bee from forren affault, and externall violence. But againft all this we have the pow- is I.eb.7,x í, er and strength of Chri ft himfelfe to oppofe. b Hee is able to lave to the uttermoft thole that come unto God b. y Him. Let us confider more particularly the violences which may be offered to our Life in Chrift. Firft the world affaults us with manifold temptations; On the left hand with skorne, tnifreports, perfecutions, and cruell mockings, with Giants and tonnes of Anak,: 'On the right hand with allurements, objeas promifes, dalliances, and infnuations, with Midianitifh women. How (hall wee fecure our lives again{{ fuck a liege of (bares ? Our Saviour quiets us in that cafe; c be of good c Ioh.i 6.; 3 cheere,I have overcome the world. Alas may the Soule anfwer, If Sampfon Ihould have feene a little childe un- der the paw of a Lion, and fhould thus comfort him, bee of good cheare for I have overcome a Lion, what fafety or afíurance could hence arife to him who had not the strength of Sasnpfon. But wee muff know that Chriff overcame not for himfelfe, but for us ; and as he bath o- vercome the world for ur, to he doth it Inv likewife by Grace ; d This is the vitiorie which overcommeth the d i Soh,S,4,S, World, even our Faith. Secondiy,nay but Sathan is a more powerfull, fubltile, deepe,wilte, working advcrfarie than the world. Where fhall l have proteátion and fecuritie againft him.? I an- Iwere,in that promife to man , and curfe to the Serpent ; c The feene of the woman fball bruise thy bead, and thou a Gcn.;, z S. F f 4 (halt 439