Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

o '1 he Lite of C hrl f1. ¡bait bruite bis hale. He thy head, Hee {hall teare out thy fling, and cruih thy projeós and machinations a- gainft his Church, but thou only Hie heele ; the vital' parts (hall be above thy reach. And this Chriil did not f for himfelfe, but for us. f The Cod ofpeace, faith the Apo }le, /hall bruite Sathan under your feet. He f1ia11 be under our feete , but it is a greater fa. ength than ours which tall keepe him downe. The viìorie is Gods,the benefit and iilfultation ours If he come as a Serpent with cunning craftinefle to feduce us, Chrifl is a ftronger Set-- penta Serpent of Trapp; and what hurt can a Serpent of fle(h doe unto a Serpent of bra fie ? If as a Lio)7, with rage and fierie a{iaults : Chrifi is a fironger Lion, A Lion gludg.i. 1,2. oftbe Tribe of 7uda, the viaorjous Tribe, g Who (hall goe up for us again{} the Canaanites firfi ? Iuda fhallgoe h Pîal. a 3o,4, up. Jf he come as an .Angell of light to perfwade us to ì z Cor. 5.11. prefúme and finne; The h mercy of Chrifl begets feare : The i love of Chri:l conflraìneth us. Sathan can but allure to difobedience, but Chrill can confiraine us to live unto him. It bee come as an Angell of darkenefe to k a Ioh. 2.1, terrifie us with defparing fuggehions, becaufe wee have I Rom .8.33. finned t k If any man (ïnne, we have an eAdvocate; and who fhall lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elea ? It is Chri fl that is dead, yea rather that is rift's againe, who alto fitteth at the right hand of God, to make intercef ion for us. Thirdly, but I have an enemy within me which is the moll dangerous of all. The world may bee if not over- come, yet endured, and by being endured it will at lait bee overcome, The Divell may bee driven away for a time,though he returne againe : but the flefh is an m In- habiting înne, and an ° encompaf ing fînne. If I breake through it, yet it is hill within me ; and if I reje6 it,yet it is Hill about me.Saint Paul who triumphed and infiil- ted over all the refi,over the World, 0 who !hall feparate us from the Love e f Chrifl ? Shall tribulation, or dißre f fe, m Rpm.7. 17. n o Rom.B . 35. 37. G11.6.14. or