'I he Life of Chrill. or perfecution or famine, or nakedne fe,or perill,or fword? nay in al thefe things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us, Over Sathan and Hell, P 0 death, where is thy fling? O .dell, where is thy viélorie ? Even bee cryes out againff this enemie his owne fleih. q O wretched man that I am,who Jhall deliver mee from this body of Death ? Yet even againfl this unremoveable and unvanquithable corruption the Life of Chrifl is fafe in us upon th:fe grounds. Firít, we have his Prayer which helps to fubdue it, and to fanaifie our nature : r San Eli- fie them by thy Truth. Secondly, wee have Hie vertue and power to purge it out,and to cure it : s The Sunne of righteou fne f fe bath healing in his wings. Thirdly wee have his office and fidelit ie to appeale unto, and where to complaine againft our owne fleth. He undertooke it as a part of his bufineffe tot purge and cleanfe his people. Fourthly, we have his Spirit to v combate and wref }le with it,and fó by little and little to crucifie it in us ; and lafily we have his Merits as Sant nary to flìe unto, to forgive them here,and hereafter to expell them. Fourthly, for all this I am full of doubts and refile which doe continually fight within me, and make my fpirit languifh and finke : and that which may decay, may likewife expire and vanifh away. To this I anfwer, that which inwardly decayeth and finketh at the foun- dation isperifhable: but that which in its operations, and, quoadnos, in regard of fenfe and prefent compla- cency may feerne to decay, Both not yet perifh in its fubflance. A cloude may hide the Sunne from the eye, but can never blot it out of his orbe. Nay, fpirituall griefe is to that light which is fowen in the heart, but like har- rowing to the earth; it macerates for the time, but with - all it tends to joy and beautie. There is difference be -I tweene the paines of a woman in travell, and the paines of a goute,or lome mortali difeafe ; for though that bee as extreeme in fmart , and prefent irkefomneffe as the cthet.,, 44' p i Cor. 15%5 5 q Rom.7.:3. rloh.l7.17. f h1a1.4. z. t Tit. Z. 14. uCial.5.1i. Heb.8,13 .