441 Iola, z 6.1a. a Mark 9.1 0 b Hof 14.4. e iCor.t 5.56 d Rom.6. 14. Plane dicimus decefsiffe Legem guoad onera non woad lufiitiam. Tcrtal.de. pudi- cit.cap . 6. e Ad cali gatio- nem no ad damnationcm. Ibid.cap.19. f Evacuatu, pec. catum, non fies non fit, red ut non obfit.Jug. de peccat . Mer. Rerrijl. r .c. 39. The Life of Cbríit. other, yet it centaines it, and it proceeds from a (A/fat- ter of Joy :. And all the wreftlings of the Soule with the enemies of Salvation are but as the paines of a woman in travel.; when Chria is fashioned, when the iffue is vid }orious and with gain, the foule no more remembreth thole afflictions which were but for a moment, Fifthly and laftly, I have fallen into many and great finn es, and if all finne be of a mortall and venomous ope- ration, how can my Life in Chrill confif} with fuch hea- vie provocations and apof}afies? To this in generali I an- fwer. If the fight of thy finnes make thee looke to Chrift; If thou a cent believe all things are pot ible ,It is poffible for thy greatef} b apoftacies to vani(h like a Cloud , and to be forgotten. Though Panne have weakned the Law, that wecannot be faved by that ; yet it bath not weak - ned Faith, or made that unable to fave. For c the ftrength of fn is the Law, it bath its condemning vertue from thence. Now by Faith we are not d under the Law. but under Grace. When once wee are incorporate into Chrif$s body, and made partakers of the new Covenant, though we are {till under the Laws condst1, is regard of its obedience (which is made fweet and eafie by Grace) yet we are not under the laws malediElion.So that though finne ina.believer bee a tranfgreffion of the Law, and doth certainely e incurre Gods dilpleafure ; f yet it doth not de faro, ( though it doe demerit()) tub j eft him to wrath and vengeance, becaufe every juíIified man is a perfon priviledged, though not from the duties, yet from the curfes of the Law. If the King íhould gratioufly ex- enipt any fubj eft from the Lawes penaltie, and yet re- quireof him the Lawes obedience ; if that man offend, he bath tranfgreflèd the Law, and provoked the difplea. ,furs of the Prince who haply will make him fome other way to feele it : yet his offence doth not nullifie his pri- viledge,nor voidé the Princes grace, which gave him an 1.immunitie from the forfeitures, though not from the ob- fervance