Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

444 t Pet. z43f f t Iohn. S. i 8. gEph.6i. b 11°1).5.4- áAft.c59. k Rom.8.z. The Life o f Wil . Rock. Why? may not a weake fuperftruetionof rot- ten and inconfi{tent materials bee built upon a found foundation ? As a firong houfe fais from a weake foun- dation, may not in like manner a weake houfe by a tern- pelt fail from a ffrong foundation e Surely in Chrifts Temple it is not as in ordinary materiall buildings. In thefe though the whole frame ítand upon the foundati- on yet it (lands together by the ftrength of the part's amongft themfelves , and therefore their mutuall v alfi_` neffe and failings do prejudice the ftabilitie of the whole. But in the Church, the strength of Chrift the foundation is not an immanent,perfonal,6xed thing;but a derivative and an effufed ftrength which runnes through the whole building. Recaufe the foundation being a vitall founda- tion is able to íhed forth and transfufe its ftability into the whole (truCtut'e. What ever the materials are of them - felves,though never fo fraile, yet being once incorpora- ted in the building thcy are prefently transformed into the nature and firmeneufe of their foundation. To whom commtng as unto a living f one, faith Saint `Peter, ye allò as liver fiones are built up a fpirituall houfe ; to note unto us the transformation and uniformity of the Saints wich Chritt, both in their Ipirituall nature, and in the fi menef e and ítab.litie of the fame. M ore particularly the tlrength of Faith preferves us from all our fpirituall enemies. From the Dive!. f Hee that is begotten of God keepeth himfelfe, and the wic- ked owe toucheth him not. g Above all take the thield of Faith, by which you (ball be able to quench all the fierie dart: 4. wick d, From the World ; h This is the vi- lforie which overcommeth the world, even our faith. From our f?efhly corruptions ; i The heart is purrfled by Faith. k The Law of the Spirit of life in Iefùs Chrüf, (that is, the Law of Faith) bath made mee freefrons the Law finne, that is, the Law of the members, or fleíh- ly concupifcence. And all this is ftreugthened by the `Power