Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

446 Hcb ;.I. Rem .& z8. a rid. corrept. &gnat. cap. .1 z. contra Julian. lib.ç .cAo. 4. De pr edefl. Sancf.c p.16. 117 .&Eoi.1o6 b Subventum eft infarrnitati voluitatis Fjv. rnanx, ut Divi- na grati h I;rde- clinabiliter & infieperabiliter agcretus', &c. - -- Port`fiimo' Adamo per-milt faccre quod vel- let, *Timor fer- vavit tit invi- 1 `Ihe Life oChrifi. the Will (c to c ©i tinue.The heart of the king,fa th Salo mon, that is the moil foveraigne , unconquerable, pe_ remptorie, and untifojeEted will in the world, is in the Hand of God, even as clay in the hand of the Potter. So that though our hearts in regard of themfelves bee not onely at large and indeterminate to any Spiritual! operations, but have an extreme reluc}ancie to all the motions of Gods Spirit : yet confidering their fubordi- nation to Gods merciful! pur ores, to the Power of His Grace, to His * Heavenly a Call according unto purpolè, to the exceeding greatnefle and working of his mighty Power, manifell it is, that they are b 'indeclinable migh- tily, by c a hidden, wonderful! , molt eife uall power; yea, by an d Omnipotent facilitie, and yet e moll íweet- ly and connaturally moved unto Grace. They are all the frequent words of Holy Atiflin, that f Champion of Grace, whofe invaluable indultry in that hehalfe all af- ter ages have admired, but hardly paraleli'd. Now thtn for the further eftabliíhing the heart of a man, ferioully and fearchingly humbled with the fezafe and conlcioufneffe of dome great relapfe (for What I (hall fay can yeeld no comfort to a man in an unrelenting, ob. durate,and perfifting apcdafie)Let him confider the fafety and firmeneffe of his life in Chrift upon thefe grounds. Firfl, Gods Eternall Love and free Grace,which is to- wards us the Higheft linke of Salvation, both in order of time,nature,and caufalitie, g whom He predeFlinatcd Etrjimé ncllene. ..fag. de Corry & Grat. cap. I z. c Non iege arguedcêlrinâ info - nante riatfecus, fed interna atque occult a, mirabili ac incffabili pate flare o pax ui De- us in cordibus hominiim, non folum veraa Revelationes fed etiam boisas volunta!es. A:,g. de Grat. Chill lib. s .cap. 24. Occult frima & cfficacifsieia pote f a!e.contr. z. epici. Tclag. l I .c. zo. ci Ha bet Dews FHumanorum cordium gtrò placet inclinandorum Omntpotentif -, rinsam poteflatem. De Cor.& Grat cap. r4. e Non ut rolcntes eredant, fed ut volenles ex nolentibus flog .Cont. i,Epift,Pelag.1. i.cap.19. Agit omnipotcns in cord. bus hominem etiam mot tam vcluntatis,&ct De Grat. e! lib, arb.cap. z t . cerium eß nos vellecum vo- luntus,fidille facit ut vet mur : Ibid cap. r6. f ved. Profper. Contr. Collator. cap. i. .4'varc. de .1. dfp.S. bob. Abbot ale Grat.inpr.cfat. g Rom .8.29,30. thole