Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

T he Life of Ghri fl thofoalfo He called;andwhome He called, thofe He Itt- ftsfied; and whom beeluflified; thofe allobeglorified. b It is not thofe He unIglorifoe,but hathglori faed,T o note 17c-,.,,a prate- that glorification is linked and folded up with juftificati- iti tetnporis po_ on,and is prefent with it in regard of their eternal' coex- fair de rebus iftency in the prediípofition and order of God, though atrrfiaturis, tan_ not ine¡erfu o ern in actuall execution. Now i this quamamfece- J1 i tr Deus,t Eternall Love- and Grace of God i s not founded upon jam ur fhrent reafons in the. Object ; for k Ile lulli fled, and by conte- ex atcr litare quence loved the ungodly. He I loved ae.r when tree were drfao/uit, &c. hi! enemies ; and enemies we were not but by n, tric ed i9ragde correp, workes. Now then if wicked workes could not prevent É liai `aß'9 the Love of God, why fhould wee thinke that they can Ióh:r 4 , o. nullifie or deftroy it ? 'flits Grace did prevent finrrers civ. before their repentance , that they might returne , {hall Dei, lib. 4ç r it not much more referve re enting finners that the ma cmjui/.,.c.a3 p ] Y Y coni u i/ian. lib. not perilh? If themaffe,guilt,and greatncffe of madams ,cap 4 l 6 finne in which all men were equally sharers, and in cap.r9 depræ- which equalitie God looked upon us with Love and dcsï.Sanr`t. cap. Grace ( then ° which finne a greater I thinke cannot bee ' 0.1 s committed againft the Law of God if the bloody and k Rom,4. 5. Y I Rom .5,8,ro crimlri finnes of the unconverted part of our life,wherin m Col. t. r. we drew iniquitie with cords of vanitie, and finne as It n Yd. Aug. de were with cart -ropes : If neither ° iniquitie , tranfgref- Civ Dei,(.2 r, fan, nor fin ; neither fin of nature, nor fin of courfe and c r Z. Encl >;rid. cuftome nor finne of rebellion and contumacie could ca. 4 q cont.3udeosl,. os. pole the goodneffe and favour of God to us then, nor in- cap. a. tercept or fruftrate his Counfell of loving us when wee o Egod.34.y. were his enemies : why fhould any other Prunes over- P Sivecum tune the flabilitie of the fame love and couniell when impium piè ja. flifcat J uftus - --five cum lu- flum juliè glorificat Pius Eadem cst nneratio zratir , que me,itutn hominis bonum & initia< ad juftitiam,& confur/moat ad gieriam . prim() rnchoans in I2cmine voluntatem bonam ; dcinde eandem voluntatem adjuvant inchoatam; ut eadem voluntas & divino do- no bona fit; & div no adjutor'iomalam fiaper'are concupifcentiam pofsit : as fie in prnefenti vi'â,gratie adjutorio,ïnfatmitati non cedat ; is faturd autern, gratix benifrcta, infi erita- ¿cm non babeat;&c. Monimum.tib. r. q Ier 3 2,40. we