44$ q Ier.; z.40. ECay 54.9,10 Deu4 tacit ut îi8) faciamus quapreap-t;ncs non facimur ut illefaciat quæ provlct. Aug. z Pet, The Life of Chrr(, we are once his Sonnes, and have a fpirit giver, us to be. wade and lament our fais. I cannot here omit the ex- cellent words of p Fulgentius,to this purpok. The fame Grace, iaitli he, ofGods immutable Counfell loth both beginne our merit unto righteouíîieffe, and confummate it unto glory ; doth here make the will not to yeelde to the infirmitie of the flesh; and doth hereafter free it from all infirmitie ; cloth here renew it Contin,o Iuvatuine, and elfewhere lugi auxilio, with an uninterrupted fup- portance, and at lafi bring it to a full Glory. Secondly , Gods promife flowing from this Love and Grace, q everlatling Covenant will I make, faith God, and obferve how it comes to be everlalfing, and not fru- firated or made temporary by us : will not- turne away from them, faith the Lord,to doe them good. True Lord , wee know thou doeit not repent thee of thy Love ; but though thou turn not fromus, O how frail, how apt are we to turne away from thee, and fo to nulliñe this thy Covenant of mercy unto our felves I Nay, faith the Lord,/ will put my feare into their hearts that they flud not depart f rom me. So elfewhere the Lord tels us that his Covenant (hall bee as the waters of Noah ; the fnnes of men can no more utterly cancell or reverfe Gods Cove- nant of mercy towards them, than they can bring backe Noahs flood into the world againe : though for a mo- ment he may be angry and hide His face, yet His mercy in the maine is great and everlafling. The promifes of God as they have Truth, fo they have Power in them ; they doe not depend upon our refolutions whether they dial! bee executed or no, but by Faith apprehending them, and by Hope waiting upon God in them, they frame and accommodate the heart to thole conditions which introduce their Execution. God maketh us to dce the things which he commandeth, we doe not make him to doe the things which he promifeth. a Tee are kept, faith the Apoftle,bj the Power of God through faith unto