Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The LifeofChrïf1, 449 unto Salvation. Faith is firft by Gods Power wrought and pre(erved (It is the b Faith of the eperation.o f god, b z Col. z. namely that powerful' operation which railed Chrift c 1 Coz. : s. from the dead : and c your Faitb flandeth not in the wsfedome of men,but in the power of God) And then it be- comes an effeauall inftrumene of the fame power to pre- d Toh.6.45. fcrve us unto falvation, d They fhall be all taught of God, Qu fgtiis non and every man that bath heard and learned of the Father, verrat prolate commette unto met. There is a voluntarie attendance of nec iclici['Aug' upon the ineffable fweetneffe of the de br the heart of man p lib. sap, r 4. Fathers teaching : to conclude this point with that ex- cellent and comfortable fpeech of the Lord in the pro- e 1Mai. ;.6, phet, e I the Lord change not, therefore ye fonnes of Ja- cob are not confumed. It is nothing in or from your felvs, but onely the immutabilitie of my Grace and Promifes which preferveth you from being confumed. Thirdly, the Ob fignation of the Spirit ratifying and le- f Eph. a.a;,14 curing thefe promiles to the hearts cf the faithful', for Eph4.30 the fpirít is the fhanfell,earneft,and Peale of our Redemp- tion; and it is not only an aflignation its dm0411°mm, un- to redemption,arguing the certainty of the end upon con- dition of the meanes; but it is an g eilablithing of us g L Cor. 1.24. tsévtoo, into Cbrill as a means unto that that from the firft fruits of the Spirit a man may conclude his interefl in the whole at Taft, as S. Paul from the refurre- I aion of h aril} the firft fruits argueth to the finall ac- ih 1 Gor. h s. zo complithmeut of the refurreaion. Fourthly, the nature and e f feEls of Faith, whole pro. perte it is to make future things prefent to the believer ,1 and to give them a Being, and by confequence a necef- fitie and certainy to the apprehcnfions of the Soule, even when they have not a Being in themfelves. Saint `Paul cals it the fubfsflency of things to come,and the evi- Heft 11.1. ' dente and demonflration of things not feene : which our Saviours words doe more fully explaine ; bee that drin ltetli my blood bath eternall life and Mall never thirfl. Ioh 6.54. gG á bough!