4:5o Llik.G. sx, 3 z. aEph.3.r7. b i Cor Io. 27 rCor.iz.t3. rCor.6.r7. c Eph.5.2. 3. dtlor.tz.aS. eEph.r.a3. fEph.4.z6, The Life of Chri(l. Thóugh Eternal' Life bee to come in regard of the full fruition, yet it is prelent already in regard of the firii fruites of it therefore wee tindc our Saviour take a future medium toprove a prelent Bleilednes, maxxetoi: s,t, yee are ble fed when men ¡hall hate yore, 1.ßc.; for great is your reward in Heaven. W hitli inferen e could:not bee ound- unletle that future medium were .certaine.by the Po.werof Faith, giving unto the prornifes,of God it were a prefubfifiency. For it is the priviledge df Faith it tolooke upon things to.come, as if they were alrea- die conferred upon us. And the Apoffle u1 ch the.like ar guiment; Sinne faall not have dominion overyou for you are not under tke,,Liw, but under grace, . rhis were a ffrange inftrenoein natural' or Civil' things, to.(à.v you (hall not die;1becaufe you are in F ealth ; or -you not bee rejeo`ted,.becatife you are in favour But the Cove- nant of Grace , being foaled by an Oath, makes allthe grants Which therein are made, irreverfible , and con - tlant. $o that_paw, as when a:man is dead to the Be- ingofiìnne ( asthe Saints departed this life are) the Be- ing of finne doch no more trouble them, nor re;:urne upon them : fo when a man is dead to the dominion of finne, that dominion Shall never anymore returne upon him. Confider further the formail e, ffeci of Faith, which is to a unite a man unto Chrift. By meanes of which union Chrifi and we are made-bone Boiy : for He that is joy.. ned to Chrîlf is one And the Apollle faith, that a !leis the Saviour of his body, and then Purely of every member of bid, body too .; ford the members.have all care one of ano. ther, elfe the Body of ,Chrili would -bee a mangled and a maimed thing,and not as Saint Paul cals fulne(fe o`. Him that fillech all inall,In the body ofC,hrif} there is f a fupply to every joynt , a mealùre of every part, an edification and growth of the whole :compa- 6fed`body, from Him who is equally the Head to all. Being