The t Lift of .Chrü. Being thus united unto Chrift , firft the Death and (A rit of Chrili is ours ; whatfòcver Hee really in His humane nature fuffered for finne , wee are in moderated Iuflice reputed to have fuffered with him. The Apoftle faith,that we were crucified and dead with Christ, and that as truly, as the hand which iteales is: puniihed when the backe is beaten ; and furely if man were crucified in and with Chrift, by reafon of His myiticall communion with him,then he was crucified,as Chrclt,for al fin which should otherwife have laine upon him. Hee was not in Chrift to cleanfe foine hones and out of him to beare others himfelfe. For the Apoltle affures us that the ()Writ of Chrift f is unconfined by any thine. The blood of Chrifl cleanfeth from all finne.As Saint e, lmbrofe Paid toc tonìca the mother of Acsfiin, when with many tares,ihee bewailed her Eons unconverfion : Non pote/l tot làcrymarum Eden! perire, that is,that it could not bee that the fonne of fo many teares fhould perish ; fo may I more certainly fay to any foule that is foundly and in truth humbled with the fenfe of any grievous relapfe, non pote/i tot lacrymarum fritter perire. It cannot bee that the brother of fo many teares, and fo precious blood, which from Chrift trickled dówne with an unperifha- ble foveraigntie unto the loweft and finfullelt of his bo- die, fhould perish for want of companion in Him who felt the weight of our fufferings, or for want of recovery From him who hath the fulraefle of Grace and Spirit. Secondly,the Life of Chrifl is ours likewife. Chrift Iiveth in me,f aith the Apo ftle. Now the life of Chrift is free from the power and the reach of death. ff death could not hold him when it had him , much leffe can it reach or overtake him having once efcaped. Hee died., once unto fanne, but He liveth into God : likewife faith Saint Paul ,recium ye your ¡elves to be dead unto fin, but alive unto God, and that through or in Iefus Chrift , by whom wee in like manner are made partakers of that G g 2 Life Rom.6.6,7,$. Gal. 6.14. z Lehn 7.7. Aug. Confef.1.3. cap. z 3. Roiia.6,9, zo, 11,14.