Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

T he Vani t, of the Creature. fo that All is ours, not abfolutely , but fubordinately, ferviceably according to the exigence of our condition, to the proportion of our faith+tand furtherance of our Sal- vation. The third particular inquired into, was, How wee doe by Prayer fanffifle the Creature to our fc- lvei ?- This is done in thefe three courfes : I . hp procuring them. We ought not to fet about any of our lawfull and *It callings with -. out a particular addreflïng our (elves unto God in Prayer. This was the practice cf good Eleazar, eAbrahamtfer- vant, when he was employed in finding out a wife for his mailers forme, * O Lord God ofmy matter erfbrrham, I pray thee fendmee good (peed this day : and this alto was the pra &ice of good Nehemiah in the dihreffes of his people, * I prayeduxto the God of heaven, andthen ; ff akr unto the Kin. And farcly the very Heathen themfelves ílïall iM this point rife up in judgementagainít many pro - phanc Chriftians who Tooke oftner upon their gold than upon their God, as Salvian fpeakes. Wee reade often in- their writings that in any generali a Calamitie they did joyntly implore the peace and favour of their idolatrous gods; that in any b matter of confeq uence they made their entrie upon it by Prayer, commending the fucceffe there- of to the power ancL providence of thofe deities which they. beleeved. In fo much that we reade of c Pub. Scipi ©., a great Roman, that bee ever went to the Capitol be- fore to the Senate, and began all the but neífes of the Common- wealth with Prayer. How much more then ought wee to doe it, who have not onely the Law and 'Ditate of Nature to guide us, who have not deaf and impotent idols to dire& our Prayers to, as their gods were; but have firfl, the Law of CHRIS T, requiring it; d Pray Alwayes. Pray without ceafir, g. In every thing by Prayer and Supplication with 7 hank,e (giving , let your requefis bee made k zon e to God. Who have fecondly, the Example of C n R i s x. to enforce it, for mot . onely mor- + Gen.z4,tz. Nehexs,z.4. d Morbis graj fantibus vet predi.giis nun- ciatis l'acem Qeum expopi moris crat, vide Brillò For mu. lib.t. p.8r . edit. t 59t. b Plin.Pane- gvr. Bene aefa- pienter majores injiiuiertsnt ut rerum aá+ enda - ttril, itad'ceadi initium à Precz_ t iBniblti capere, e.Sueton, in Aug. cap.3 5. vìd, 1,3! itlò Forrn,lib, r.pag. 4z.EtCoqumi commea4aria in Aug. d^ Civit. Dei_lib.z.cap.8. num, z. c Liviuslib,7.6 A.G. noel. At- tic lib . 7. cap .i, c ab Ado- lc(c¢ntia vita d:f ribitttr Uits d:`dita, teitaplif+ue rtu- t, ita.Aug de Civit. Dei,lib. 3. cap z1. d E p:z.6. r o. t Ih,ff 5.s7. Plsil.4.6.