46 aiCor.IS.45 49. Roui. 5. 15, 2 I. bom.6.4. E ph. z.I,5. .10314- Col.z.I z, t Co!. 3. 1,2,3, 4,S- Ter ban. rrae- dia:orem Deus oftendit eos,quos cj us fanguine redemit, fae ere fe ex matas dein- ceps in ceternum binas - -- -- -- e ; quippe in notais per banc Dei gratiatis in bon l recipiendo, & pe: fevcranter tenendo, non fo- lurnPll/ qu7d volum<as, fed etiam velie guod pofumus, quad lion fuit in primo homme. .uád e it au tem tibcrius li- bero atbttrio panda non po- serif fervine peccata, &c. Aug. de Cor - rept. & Grat. cap .1 i. I 2. dCOI.r.I{. Heb. I . z, s,6. e 12.13. ilani.i.1 The Life o f Chri. Life which nee by rifing againe from the Grave, did af- fume, as we were by Adam made obnoxious to the fame death which he by failing did incurre and contract. a For Chri1t is the fecond Adam , and as wee have borne the image of the earthly in (inne and guilt ; fo mule we beare the Image of the Heavenly in Life and Righteouiiiefle: and b that which in us anfwereth to the Refurreótion and Life of Chrift ( which hee ever liveth) is our boli- neffe and newneífe of Lìfè;as the Apoftle plainly (hews, to note e thatour renovation likewife ought to bee per- petual' and conftant, no: fraile and mutable, as when it depended upon the life of the 6rft Adam, and not of the fecond. Thirdly, the Kingdome of Chrift is ow's alto, Now His Kingdorne is not perifhable, but eternal) : a King - dome which:cannot be fhaken, or dettroyed,as the Apoftie fpeakes. Heb. z s. 2 8. Fourthly, the Sonnefhip and by confequence Inheri- tance of Chrift is ours. I fpeake not of his perfonall Sonnefhip by eternall generation but ofthat dignitie and honour which he had as d the firft borne of every Crea- ,ture,and heire of all things. That Sonenfhip which hee had as bee was borne from the dead ; e Thom art my Senne,this day have I begotten thee, namely in the Reftlr- reEtion,in which refpetôì He is called f thefirf¢ born, and the firfi begotten of the Dead. In this dignitie of Chrif }, of being g Heires, and a kinde of fiat borne unto God, doe wee in our meafure partake, for wee are called the h Church of the fir/f borne, and 1 a kinde of firs fruits of Hu creatures : For though thofe attributes may bee li- mited to the k Iewes in regard of precedency to the Gentiles ; yet in regard of the inheritance (which Was ufually and properly to defcend to the fide borne) they may bee applyed to all, for of all believers the Apoftle Aft. 1 ;.; 3. f Có1.1. I E. Rev.'. 5 . g Rom.8. 17. Gil ; . zy.h Heb 8 . k Igxod.q.zz,Ier.z.3,14. Icr.31.9. 1 A 61.13.46. faith