Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The Life of Chrifi. faith, 'f ye are Sonnes, then are _ye hares, Coheires with Chrifi. W e hold in chiefe under his guardiarsQi p and protection, as his fequele and dependant. Now from hence our Saviours argument may bring much com- fort and affurance ; m The Songe abideth in the häufe for ever ; and theHoule of God is His Church, not in Il Heaven only, but ° on Earth likewife, as the Apof }le thewes. Fifthly , ehrifis viElories are ours : Hee overcame r the World, and q Temptations, and r Enemies, and Sinnes for us. And therefore they fhall not bee able to overcome him in us. t He is able to fuccottr them that are tempted. He who once overcame them for us, will cer- tainly fubdue them in us : Hee that will overcome the laic Enemie, will overcome all that are before; ( for if any be left, the laf} is not overcome.) Laflly, we have the benefit of C Lift s JJaterccf ion : I have prayed far thee that thy Faith faile not. it is fpoken ofa laving Faith, as the a learned prove at large. And f have (hewed before b that particular promifes in Scripture are univerfally applyable to any man whole cafe is paralell co that particular. if then Peters fin did nor by reafon of this prayer of Chrif} overturne his Sal- vation,or being a c totall deficiency upon his faith; why fhould any man, who is truly and deepely humbled with the fenfe of relapfe, or confcioufneffe of force fin, not of d ordinarie guilt, or daily incurfion, but indeed very hainous, and therefore to be repented of with teares of blood, yet why fhould he in this cafe of found humi- liation Bagger in the hope of forgiveneffe , or miflruft Gods mercy, lince a greater finne than Peters, in the grofle matter of it, can I trinke hardly be committed by any juitiled man. Thefe are the comforts Which may lecure the life of Chrif} in a lapfed but repenting finner ; the fùmme of all is this. Since we f}and not, like Adam,upon our own G g 3 bot- +53 rn l oh. Ft3s n 10.14 s. o i Tit/1.3. a 5 By White a- balnl} y3 ploh.i6.33 q1-Icb.4.i5. Mat. 4.ri, r Col.z.r5. CO1.2.1;,I4 t Hcb. a. i S. u r Cor.15.z6 a D. Reynolds confer, with fla,t.-op. T. Div,f. 8. D. ..4bbet in Thompfon.dia. trib.cap. 18 . Fal¡a eß quit Maldona- tus jifaita ) o- pinio eorul'11 qFti putant Tetrum §deisa atchaldo p:rdidé,in.loc. b ,ZuJerdicit Pe, e,-_Tati ec. e'ef dielunt pu- tandurn e.fl.lefu- ita ibid. cRogavit ut kt- beret in fide li- be, rim;a fort fsi- pereverantisi_ 772 voluiztatcns. Aug. dc corrcpt. & g; ,at.c:ßp, a . d Cofiaetudirut- rii e.ztus. Sa : vian. uotidla- nR G ditJO¡16j', T ertal.