Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

454 'The L :feofChri I 1. bottome , but are branches of fuck a Vine as never wi- thers, Members of fuch a Head as never dies, fbarers in frith a Spirit as cleanfeth, healed), and purifieth the heart, partakers of fuch promifes as arefealed with the Oath of God : Since we live not by our owne life, but by the Life of Chrift ; are not led or Pealed by our owne fpirit, but by the Spirit of Chrift ; doe not obtaine mercy by our owne prayers , but by the interceflion of Chrift; f }and not reconciled unto God by our owne endeavours, but by the propitiation wrought by Chrift ; who loved us when we were enemies and in our blood ; who is both willing and able to fave us to the uttermoff, and to e Ioh.6.; 9. preferve his owne mercies in us ; to whofè e office it be- longs to take order that none who are given unto him be lofi; undoubtedly that Life of Chrift in us, which is thus underpropped, though it bee not priviledg'd from tern- £ Hof.r .7, t i ptations, no not from f backflidings , yet is an abiding Life : He who raifed a our Soule from death, will either g hial. 56. i ;. prefcry a our feet from falling, or, if we doe fall, will h Hof. I .4< heale our backilidings, and will fave us freely. Infinitely therefore doth it concerne the foule of eve - ry man to bee reftleflè and unfatisfied with any other good thing, till he finde himfelfe entitled unto this happy Communion with the Life of Chrift, which will never i Fesifti nos ad fade him. As all the Creatures in the world,fo man efpe- te,&a inquietum cially bath in him a twofold delire ; a delire of perfeition, eft cor noftrum and a delire ofperpetuitie ; a delire to advance, and a de- donec requief- fire to preferve his Being. i Now then till a mans Soule, cat in te. Aug. after many rovings and inquilîtions, lath at lati fixed it Conte flib. i .cap. r. Cum Beati v. felfe upon fome fuch good thing as bath compaffe e- fe cones hominer nough to fatiate and repleni(h the va[ineflè of thefe two volant, ii ve - re volunt, potero of immortales volunt , alitsr enim beati e non pfn Aug. de Trin.l: 13, cap. B.Cujas jam non dig utter occurrit v:roque'conjungo cffici beatitudmnem, quam ì'cí`íß propofito intelleitu lip natura defderat : Hoc eft, lit bono incomiiutabili, gtiod 'Dear e ;hie ulla molefti e perfruatur, & in eo fe in ætemum eft 'raanfr rum,nec ulla dubita- tione trim etur, nec ullo e;rore fillatur. Aug. de Civ_ lei ,!ib. ï :. cap. r; . delires