Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The Lie of Chrif1. 455 defires ; impoffible it is for that foule, though otherwife filled with a confluence of' all the glory , wealth, wife - dome, learning and curiofitie of Salomo; himfelfe, to have fbtid contentment enough to withfland the feares of the fmalleft danger , or to outface the accufations of the fmallefl finne. Now then let us fuppole that any good things of this World without the Life of Chrìff, were able to fatisfie one of thefe two defires, to perfect and advance our nature (though indeede it bee farre otherwife, fince without Chrifl they are all but like a Gone in a Serpents head, or a Pearle in an Oyfler ; not our perfe4ions ; but our difeafes, like Cleopatra her pretious Bone ; when flue wore it,a Jew- ell ; but when flue dranke it,an excrement. I may bold- ly fay that as long as a man is out of Chrift, he were bet- ter he a begger, or an idiote , than to bee the fleward of riches, honours, learning and wifedome, which lbould bave beene improv'd to the Glory of Him that gave them, and yet to be able to give up at that great day of accompts no other reckoning unto God but this : Thy riches have beene the authors of my covetoufneffe and oppreffon ; thy honours, the fleppes of my haughtines and ambition; thy learning and wifedome, the fuell of my pride.) But now I fay, fuppofe that nature could receive any true advancement by thefe things ; yet alas, when a man fhall beginne to thinke with, himfelfe, may not God that night take mee away, like the foole in the Gofpell, from all thefe things, or all thefe from mee ? May I nor, nay muff I not within thefe few yeares, in Cread ofmine honour, be laid under mens feet ? In !lead of my purple and fcarlet, bee cloathed with rottennefie ? In ftead of my luxurie and delicacies, become my felfe the foode of wormes ? Is not the poore foule in my bo- fome an immortali foule ? Muir it not have a being, as long as there is a God who is able to fupport it ? And will not my baggs and titles , my pleafures and prefer- G g 4. ments,