Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

4S6 The Life ofGhrÉ(E. i talents, my learning and natural! endowments, every thing fave my fit.nes and mine adverfaries, and mine owne Conicience forfake mee, when I once enter into that immortalitie ? When a man I fay shall beginne to f izmmon his heart unto filch fad accompts as thefe, how will his face gather blacknetie , and his knees tremble, and his heart bee even damp'd and blafted with amaze- ment in the mi'deft of all the vanities and lyes of this preterit world ? What a fearefull thing it is for an eter- nail foule to have nothing betweene it, and eternal! mi- ferie to refit upon , but that which will moulder away and crumble into duff under it , and fo leave it alone to finke into bottomleffe calamitie ? O beloved, when men flail have pafled many millions of yeares in another world,which no millions of yeares can fhorten or dims -' ni h what accefrion of comfort can then come to thofè glorious joyes which we (hall be filled with in Heaven, or what diminution or mitigation of that unfupporta- hie anguifh which without cafe or end mu!t bee lhffered' in Hell, by the remembrance of thole few houres of tran- fitorie contentments, which we have here, not without the mixture of much forrow and allay enjoyed ? What fmacke or reliíh thinke you bath Dives now left him o all his delicacies,or Maas of his pottage ? What pleafure bath the rich foole of his full Barnes, or the young man of his greatpoffefiions ? What delight bath Iezibel in her paint, or Ahab in the Vineyard purchafed with the innocent blood of Him that owed it ? How much po- licie bath Achit©phel, or how much pompe bath Hera, or how much rhetoricke bath T at-sillies left to efcape or to bribe the torments, which out of Chrift they mutt, for ever fuller ? O how infinitely doth it concerne the foule of every man to finde this life of Chrift to tell; upon, which will never forfake him till it bring him to that day of Redemption, wherein. he (hall be filled with bleffedneffe infinitely proportionable to the moat vaft' and