. he Life of C hrifl. 457 and unlimited capacities of the Creature. And now when we can fecure our Confciences in the inward,true, and fpirituall renovation of our heart, in this invincible and unperifhable obfignation of the Spirit, who knictech us as really(though myfiically )unto Chrifl, as his Linewes and joynts doe fatten the pares of his facred body together ; how may our heads be crowned with joy, and our hearts fweetly bath themfelves in the per- fruition and preoccupation ofthofe rivers of glory which attend that Spirit wherefoever he goeth ? Many things I know there are which may extremely difhearten us in this interim of mortalitie ; many things which therein encounter and oppofe our progrel e. The rage, malice and l ibtiltie of Satan ; the frownes, flatteries, threates, and intinuations of this prefent world ; the impatience and iubbornneffe of our owne fleth; the firuglings and counterlufl?ngs of our owne potent corruptions; the dai_ ly confcioufinele of our falls and infirmities; the conti- nuall- enterco3urfe raf our doubts and feares ; the ebbing. and languifhing, decaying and even expiring of our Faith and Graces ; the frequent experience of Gods j ul} dit- pleafure,and fpirituall defercions, leaving the foule to its owne dumps and darkneffe. Sometimes like froward children we throw our felves downe and will not (land: and fomecimes there cornes a tempet} which blowes us downe that we cannot Oland. And now whither íhould a poore Soule, which is thus on all fides invironed wish feares and dangers, betake it felte ? Surely fo long as it jookes either within or about it felfe,no marvel! if it bee ready to Linke under the concurrent oppoftion of fo ma- ny a {làults. But though there bee nothing in thee,nor about thee, yet there is fomething above thee which can hold thee up. 1 f there be lrength in the merit, life,kingdome,vietories, I nterceffion of the Lord Ieths : if there be comfort in the Ì Covenant, Promifes, and Oath of God,believea and all this