`I be Life of thrill , to Life againe. Laftly jee that bath the Sonne, bath the greateft gift which the Father ever gave unto the World. He cannot denie life where bee bath given the Sonne ; Hee cannot with -hold flyer where hee bath given gold and Diamonds : " If he feared not bis fon, but delivered Him sip for us all, how fhall Hee not with him freely give au all things? Now our life is conveyed from Chrifl unto us. Firif, by impartation of his mcrit, whereby our perlons are made righteous and acceptable unto God. Secondly, by infacfion or communion with His Spirit, which fan - etifies our nature, and enables us to doe ípirituall fervi- ces. For though wee exclude workes from Iultification formally confid eyed ; yet wee require them of every Iu- ilifiad man ; neither Both any Faith Iultifie but that which worketh by Love , though it juílifie not under that reafon as a working Faith, but under that relative office of receiving and applying Chrifl. Thirdly by his Life and Intercefsion applying his meritslunto use and prefenting our fervices unto his Father, as lively .,, , cleanfed from thofe mixtures of deadneffe and corruption , which as pairing from us did cleave unto them. Having thus unfolded our life by Chrifl , wee are in the laíl place to inquire into that `Prop retie which wee have unto Chrifl, which is the ground of the Life wee receive from him. For one thing cannot bee the princi- ple and feede of Life unto another, except there be forne union, and fellowfhip, which may bee the ground of the conveyance: and this is that which the Text calls the having of Chrif , which is the fame with that of Saint Iohn , To as many as received him, He gave power to be called the fonnes of God. So then there muff bee a mutual! As,. Chri exhibiteth Himfelfe unto us,and we adhere and dwell in him; whereby thrrc is wroughta Vnitie of wills, a Confederacy of aífeaions, a Parti- cipa- nRom.8.3z. loh.I.ii. a Aloftra er ip- fius conJunc`Iio, nec raifet per- onus;nec unit fisbftantias; fed afféelus conoci- at, & confede- iat voluntatec. C}pr.de cerna Do/74h'.