Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The Life of Chrifi. 463 Hee to us in our infirmities,tempted in all things as wee are; and we to Him in His holineffe : He that San&tifieth acrd they that are Sand }ified are all of one. Now as in abody wee refolve.the whole into no parts but thole which are integrali and proper to it in the nature of a li- ving and organicall Body,namely the members ; though many things elfe are in the ,$.9dy, ,yet nothing belongs integrally untoit, but the members.: So many men are in the Body of Chrifi, onely by an externall and facra mentall admiflîon , or by forme fade and prefumptuous' perfwafions and profeflions (as wennes or excrements in the naturall body) they doe nofervices, they exercife no vitall and fpirituall funtions, but rather cumber and in- felt the members. Secondly, this union is compara unto a 6uildinJ or houfe, Eph.2.: o, 21. z Yim.3 .14. a Pet. a. 5 , whofè atones are knite together by the junaure and bond of Love, and are fsrmely grounded upon the Elea pretious and ihre foundation, who as He cloth by His Power up- hold all things , fo much more thole that are built upon Him. Now as in a itrurçture the 'tones cannot fubit in the building by any qualities or inherent venues of their owne , but onely by that direct and perpendicular de- pendance, and fubfiftence which they have upon the foundation : fo in the Church no graces, no carvings,no inherent excellencies doe hold men up , but onely that full and tole reliance and fubfiftance of the Souk upon Chrifi. Ira man have any other bottome that holds him up, if he be not even and full upon Chrift, if bee bee not in all things levelled and proportioned unto him by the clod }rive of the Apoftles and Prophets ( which is there- fore likewife called a foundation , becaufe by it wee are let right upon Chrifi who is the Foundation of four- ' dations,as the Scripture fpeakes) Hee cannot abide in the building for ever ; the wall and the foundation mutt all have the fame center ; and there muttbee the fame pro- f pennons, it6 HE'bí.j. g tj Ef:ays8.e6. i