Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The Life of Chri 465 And according to the difference of Faith are bete diffe- rences of being in Chrift to be dilcerned. Saint lames makes mention of a dead Faith, when men are in Chrif# by fame generali acknowledgement, by externall pro- fxfrìon, by a partiall dependence ( commiag to him only as to a Ief s for roome and fhelter to-keepe them from the fire; not as to a C'hrifi for grace and governement in his fervice) not by any particular and willing attraEti- on ofthofe vitali influences, thofe working principles of grace and obedience which are from him flied abroad upon truebelievers. And this is the femi- converlion and imperfeEt renovation of many men , whereby they re- ceive from him onely generali light of truth and com- mon vertues, which makes them vifibly, and externally branches in him. But Saint 'Paul makes mention ofa lively, operative, unfained faith,, which in true believers draweth in the power of Chrifts death , and the vertue of his refurreEtion, unto the mortification of finne, and quickning of Spirit, and bringing forth fruit unto God, and this only is that which is the ground of our life from Him. The Life that Ilizre, I live by the Faith of the Son of God. Laitly,this Vnion unto Chrilt is compared unto Mar - riage: `Pal. 45. Eph. 5.3 z . whereby the Church hath a right and proprietie created to the body name, goods, table, poffellions, purchales of Chrif}, and doth recipro- cally become all His, religning its will, waies, delires unto his governement. Now for the difcoverie of this we may confider either the e fentials or the confi yuents of marriage. The former bath for thegenus the matt ge- neral( requifite, contnt : and that mutt have tilde di fe- reafcies and rel }rió3 ions . Firl}, it mutt bee a a mtstua/l content : for though Chrill declare his good will, when He knocketh at our doores , and beieecheth us in the ministry of his Word yet if we keepe our diítance, re- jeá his tokens of Love and Favour, and ¡top our eares H h to Iam, 2.7.6 . a Lrrinöard.dis7. c. q.. difiinl-t. 2 7 . Ybi non eft tatri- ufque confenfitr, non potenefj'e tnatrtmonitt.m. tn flit . fur. can. lib.: Fit. r I. nraptiaa igitrar. .Iquin fuppletn. 3 , partii. q, 45. art. I. Fran.a victor. Relyct y.purt. I.