+66 * 1'ei'ba præfen- tern c9nfertfGm exprinaentla pint ?Keep', a. Irlftlt.ti7. Ca'r. lib.z.1'it. t i. § Licet arttern per rblaim Lrim_ berd.tib.4.di- sî hid . z 8 . Francifc. a vi- Eloria Relec`i. 7. part. i.Tuna, z a Ad.' 3.46. Aft. z3.2. t, b.`rsoru:os nuii corpus eft, unus debet effe & a- nimus. orban. in Decyet part. z cauf. 31. Lumbard. Dist. 2. C @,àl 73.34, 37. d z King. I7. z 5,2 6, e rii errat non tuna ,Eigo nec confentit. De- c,et.pa1.s,Cws. = 29 9.1. Er7q Ci; ca quæ runt de ef- (bitiiî contra- ; etas vittatcon- ; tï actunt. F7tTr1. 1. a vactoaa. Aeleet.7. part .i. 'ponce. z. The Life of ari. to his invitations, there is then no covenant made ; this is but a wooing, and no marriage. Secondly, it mutt bee a "prefent content, and in words de pr,efettti, or elfe it is onely a Promtfe, but no Contract, Many men, like Bala am would faine die the death of the righteous, but live,. their owne lives ; would faine belong to Çhrift at the iaf}, and have nothing to eoe with him ever °before; would have him out of need, but not at all out of love,. and therefore for the prefent they put him off ::.Many other fuiters they have whom they cannot deferre,- or denie ; till at 1aí1: peradventure hee grow jealous and wearie, departs from them, and turnes unto thole who will eileeme him worthy of more acceptation. a Seeing you put the Word from you, faith the ApoIlle,and judge yot/r relves unworthy of Eternall Life, Lowe turne unto the Gentiler. Thirdly, it muff be free and unconfirained; for compulfion makes it ravifhment, and riot a marri- age. They b who tuft bee but one Body, ought firft to agree in the fame free and willing refolution. Many men when God c flaVes them, will enquire eareiy after him; when hee puts them upon a Racke will give a forced content to lèrve him ; when bee d lends his Lions a- mongft them, will fend for his Priefts to inftruét them how to worship him ; but this is onely to flatter with their lippes, that they may escape the prefent paine; (like the howling devotion of fome defperate Mariner in a !forme) not at all out of cordiali and Gncere affeaio;ì ; wicked men deale no better with God, than the froggs in the Fable with the block which was thrown in to be their king. W hen hee makes a noise and diflurbes their peace, when bee falls heavie upon them, they are fore affrighted., and feeme to reverence his power : but if bee iùffer theirireame to bee calme about them, and air not up his wrath lecurely dance about him, and re-aflume their wnted loolenetfe. Fourthly, it mull be e without errour, for bee that erres ; cannot content. Ifa woman