The LiféofChrifl. PppaOttkralkl3K kclfe upon force abfence of her husband sfhlmt ,Ar time &mini him, and conceive biro dead, and Rivolpon Marry againe ; if it appeare that the F former iusn.r, there was a mittake and errour in the petfon, and to a nullitie in the contraó }. So if a mari {p [take liirpfelfe, judge himtelfe free from his former tie 'Unto.f dine and the,Law, and yet live in obedience to his luftsatill,and is not eleanfed from his filthineffe, he can- ' not give any fullconfent to Chritt , who will have a chatte fp6ufe, without adulterers, or corrivals. Laftly, It mull r bean univerfall and perpetuall content, for all time, and in all flares and conditions. This is a great di- fference betweene a wife, and a itrumper : A wife takes her husband upon all tearmes ; his burdens as well as his goods ; his well as his pleafures : where- , 'A§ a only for hire and lull ; when the purfe 'is emptied, or the bódie waged, the love is at an end.So here, Ae that will have C'hrif, mull have him flll ; (for Cbrif is not divided) mutt enterrame him to all purpo- .fes, mull follow the Lambe wheretòever he goeth mull leave Father, Mother, Wife, Children, his owne life for Chril'c ; mull take as well his Yoake, as his Crowne : as well his Sufferings , as. his Salvation ; as well his Grace, as his Mercy ; as well his Spirit to leade , as his Blood to redeeme. Hee that will be his owne Matter to doe the worker of his owne will, muff, if flee can, be his ovvne Saviour too, to deliver his foule from the wrath to come. The confequents and intendments of marriage are two, conviïlara `Proles. Fiat mutuall focietie;Chrift and a Chrittian mutt live together, have intimate, and deare acquaintance with each other ; the fpirit of a Chri ftian mutt f olace it felce in the armes and embracements, in the richesand Lvelineffe of Chrift, in his abfence and removes long after him; in his pretence and returnes delight in him , and entertaine him with fuck pure af- H .h 2 fc6tiorns, 467 f 'Decal .p art .z. Cauf.3 4.q.i.z. g Quad perpe- tuttatt repug. nat, ; ,atrirlo7,'í- um tollit.flquin. fuppiem. 3 part. q. 47ar7.3. 1 n A4at; 'imO,Qio eft qaafi qu,e- dam je; vitas perpetua. 1bid. art.6. ï