Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

+68 h D. Reyne.'ds confer, with Hart ,c. I .dzL'i f. Z, i occulta c0/g- zeeutzicatione & infprr zti,me gra- tiæ fpiritalis quifquis lt,eret 'Domina anus fpiritus O./tug . de peccat.Mer. 6,-Re9nlf IÏb.I.' cap .1o. I Ioh.3.1,4. 4.s3< k Rom. j, i 3. Non efi malieris rernen ratione guadam pÍebei,l & vulgartl(ed conceptus e fpiritu fango. ¡taque non efl fc naias ut effet omnium hosyi- nurta caput, fa t eorum tantù;n Igues ex univer- fe hum..nageze e cerrupto Dcus volait regexer:c- re perfpiriturn The Life of Chrif . dfi:es, as Maymaltetaim t'ke pleafure in His Beautie, Secondly,there mufF1a; fe6tions, and hravenly fruit- fulnef;fe in us, we rn.uta bring forth unto God: Chilit wilj not have a barren Spoufe : every else that avetir'Him, keepeth his Commandements.. Now then in one :ward' io unfold.the More qualitie of this our union- to:Chrif`l=, `wee maytonfieler 'á h threefoldunitie. Of Perron .s:i to ie nature ; df tìattiies in one Perfon ; of naturesand P_erfons in one rlsi lieic.-In the firft, is. one God. In the fecond; is one ChrillAn the ,third, is one Church. Uuruniatrunto Chrift is the lait cif thefe, when by.Hee andt.weelare.ailfpiritually united to the making.ùpof .one my4Iickill%Body. The i formal' reafon or bond of this union is the Spirit of Chrift, by which as by immortali and abiding leede wee are begot- ten a new unto Chrifl. For He being the fecond iesfetaZ, we are fpiritually in him., andfrom him, as we are na- turally,or corruptly, in and from k As .fdam was the fountains of all tint are naturally generated, and by that meanes tranfmitted condemnation to all thatare One with Him : fo Chrift is the Head of all that are fpi- ritually borne againe, .and by that meants trarifmitteth grace and righteoufneffe to all that are one with him. From this union of the faithfull unto Chri(t doch im- mediately arife a Communion with him in all fuck good things as he is pleafed to Communicate. l will but touch thern,it having been the fubjea of this difcourfe hitherto Firft, we have a C'ommunim wich him in his c._lerits (abéäuan, c , 1 which are as fully imput4d -unto us for I« ífacation, as ICarncrax de ecclef =pag.88.1 Non efl falvatns cruce Chri(ti qui non eli crucifixua in Chrif o Non eli cruciixus in'Cbriflo, qui von efl membrum co, paris Chrifli. profper. Rrfp. ad Capital. Gall ;rum. cap. 9 avilie propriè ecciefasunitur quatenus Crotcifixas efl, e- exci_ tatas a liorta's, trempe ut in Chrifie morte ecclefta fit vaut' fatiffaciens Deo, & expians peccata non in fe,féd in capke. . In rcfer,ectio#e -aute.m ecclefia fit voluti defia,zélafati3fa- Eliáne, &c. Cameron deeccIeiapag. rob. Alleo art-1,9 v nculo Chrilkss & eccicfa con - jurncli fur, ut Chr3,flus ft velati pcecátor in eeclefia,ecelel a velati defKnhe`a p 'ná peccati tn C h r i ; 7 . Ibid,pag. r 27. iif