Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The Life of Chrifi. 469 if his fufferings had beene by us endured or the debt by us fatisfyed. As we finde in the body medicines often applyed unto found parts , not with relation to them+ felves, but to cure others which are unfound ; In a diltil- lation of rhewrnes on the eyes, we cuppe and fcarifie the neck which was unafeded, to draw backe the humour from the part distempered : even fo Chritt the glorious and innocent Head of a miferable and leprous body fuffered himfelfe to be wounded and crucified ; to wre- !tle with the wrath of His Father ; to bee One with a wretched people in the condition of their infirmities, as He was with his Father in the unitie of divine holineffe; that fo by his iciñrmitie being joyned unto us, the Com- munion of his purity might joyne us unto God againe. a He alone without any demerit of His fuffered our pu- niíhment, that we without any merit of ours might ob- taine his Grace.: b The paines of Christs wounds were His, butihe pr t ours ; the holes i n his hands and fide were his,lintlitte balme which iffued.oitt was ours ; the thornes were his, but the Crowne was ours ; in one word the price which he paid was his, but the inbe,ei- tance which he purchafed was ours. All the ignominie and agonie of his Crof e was infinitely unbefeeming fo honourable a person as Chrilt, if it had not beene neceffa- ry for fo vile a firmer as man. Secondly, we have Communion with Him in His Life and Graces,by habituall and reali infufion and inhabita- tion of his Spirit unto Sant1tfication. For we are c San- d i fied in him, and d except wee abide in him, wee cannot bring forth fruit. Christ comes not onely with.a paílìon, but with an unction to confecrate us to himfelfe :except thou bee a partaker as well of this, as of that, bees as wil- ling to be rul'd, as redeemed by Chriit ; in Him indeed thou art but it is as a withered branch in a fruitefull vine; while thou art in Him , it is to thy thame, that thou (houldeit bee dead, where there is fuch aboundance of H h _ Life;. a Selus pio no -i bis fra /cepit f- 1 ne m.alis mericis poenam, ut no Per illum fine bonis rr. eritis confqueremur 1 ,grasiam. -lug. Cont. z. epiftolasI Telag.7ib.4. c.4 Hugo de facram 1.2- part i.c.i z.I b l ila in corpore Chriiii vulnera non erant Clri- fti vulnera f d Laironis.donbr fem. de !atone. c I Cor. i. z. d Ioh. i 5,4.