Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

470 e Revel. i.6. frPet.z.y. g Rom.R.37. hCo!,a.i5. i Rorn. 5.3, The Life o f Chrifi. Life ; and the time will come that thou (halt bee cut off from him,: Every branch in me that beareth not fruit, he taketh away. Laftly, we have Communion with him in many privi- ledges and dignities. But here we mull ditlinguilh of the priviledges of Chrift : fome are frerfonall and incommu- nicable ; others, generall and communicable. Of the for- mer fort are all fuch as belong unto him either in regard of his divine Perfon, as to be the everlafting Sonne the word and wifedome of his Father, the exprefiè Image of his Perfon, and brightneffe of his Glory , the uphol- der of all things by the Word of his Power , and the like; or in regard of his Office , as to bee the Redeemer of the Church, the Author and Finisher of our Faith,the Prince of our falvation,the propitiation for the fins of the world, the fecond avidam,the Mediator betweene God and Man, in which things he is alone, and there is none with him. Other priviledges there are which are communicable, all which may bee comprized under this geierall, of being fellow members with him in the molt Glorious body and fociety of Creatures in the world. The particulars I touch'd before. Firft, we have com- munion in fome fort with him in his Holy untfion, whereby we are confecrated to bee c Kings and Prit fis, to fubdue our corruptions, to conquer fpirittiall wicked - neffe, to offer up the facrifices of prayer, praifes, acmes and holy fervices ; for wee are by him a f royall Pries hood. Secondly we have Communion in his vitlories ; wee are o more than conquerors through him , becaufe in the midft of the enemies infultations, and our owne diflref . fes, the vi&torie is Hill ours. The enemie may kill us, but not overcome us, becaufe our death is viìorious. As Chrift h triumphed upon the Croffe, and had his go- vernement on his flhoulders: fo wee i rejoyce in affiishi- ons, glory in tribtnlations, and in all of them, in a con- fluence