Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

TheLife of Chrift. H-71 fluence and confpiracy of them all, wee are more than conquto rs. Thirdly , wee have Communion'with Chrifl in his k Sonhip,from whence it comes to pafle that ChriP and his Church doe interchangeably take one ano:hers names : Sometimes bee is not ashamed to call himfelfe 7acob and llrael. 1 This is the generation of them that feeke thy face O Jacob, and in thou art my fervant O If= rael in whom I will be glorified faith the Lord fpeaking ;unto Chrifl : n yea bee giveth to the Church his owne NAme. 0 As there are may members , and yet but one body ; fo is Chrtll : i' that is fo is the Church of Chrifl. 1 And q What manner of lave is this, faith the Apoille,that we lbeuld be called the Sons of God ?From hence it comes that wee have fellowship with the Father , acceffe and approach with confidence for all needfull fupplyes , of furance of his care in all extremities, interefl in the in- heritance which bee referveth for his Children, confi- dence to be fpared in all our failings, and to be accepted in all our fincere and willing fervices ; fecret debates, fpirituall conferences of the heart withGod, he fpeaking unto our fpirits by his Spirit in the Word, and wee by the fame Spirit fpeaking unto him in prayers,co:nplaints, fupplications , thankfgivings covenants, refolutions r bee killing us with kiffes of Love and comfort, and wee killing him againe with f kiffes of reverence and wor1hip. We fee then, to conclude all, what an abfolute necef- fity lyes upon us of having Chri.,,hecaufe with him we have t All things, and V can doe all things : without him wee are X poore and r can doe nothing. And the more neceflàry the dutie,the more fsnfull the negleff: efpecial- ly confïdering that Chrifl with -holds not himfelfe, but is ready to meete, to prevent, to attend every heart that in truth delires him. If a man have a ferious, Pimple, sincere will,to come wholly to Chrill, not to be held back H h 4 from. k Ioh.20 17. 1 Pfal,a4.6. tn Efay 49.3 o t l.or.7 212 p Aug. de Ciz'. er,lib, t 7.6. i ß.To 7. de u- nitate Écclrfæ cap.4. Totos Chriftus Caput & corpus eft, homines f,rnt`ïs & frdeler Pat cum hpminc chrifïo anus Chrtßus. de pec- cat.3trr. & rc- yrirff.lib. t .c.,p. 3 Lita 2l° Chri- fttss.Alun drx.t, ata & Chriti, fed ita & Chr:- ilus,o ftendens Chrifiam recîé ap pellari etiam urtive> fum, hoc efl caput cum - eorpoi.e fsoquod e,t Eccicfia. Id. To4.1.83.qr% 69. q r Tell_ 3.t, r Cant, t .2. f I'fa l. z. t s. t Rom .8,; 2. u phil. 4.t3. x Rev.; ,17. y loh. t5 5