Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

47z Z Il;ed. lb. 17, a z Cor.ç.so. b i ioh.; . z4. cRes delicata eji Dei fpiritus. Tea . The Life of fChrra. froiübim by his dearea and clofeft corruptions , by the í weetefl pleafures,or flrongell temptations , which can allure oraffault hire,, hee may draw neare unto him with boldnefle, and affurance of acceptation; bee hath a call, Cirilt z inviteth, yea a intreateth him, and therefore hee may come : bee bath a b command Chrift requireth it alum, and therefore bee muff come. And now when we have aria, how careful! fhould we be to keepe him ; how tender and watchfull over all our behaviours towardshim , 1eí1 bee bee grieved and depart againe. The Spirit of the Lord is a c delicate fpi. rit, molt ienfible of thofe injuries which hisfriends doe him. Let us therefore take heed of violating, afi&ling, difcouraging, grieving this Spirit (which is the bond of all our union and interefi with CI,ri Et) in any of thofe his facred breathings and operations upon the Soule. But when bee teacheth, let us fubmit and obey, receive the beliefe and the love of his truth : when bee promifeth, let us neither dillrufl nor delpife,but embrace as true,and admire as precious, all the offers which he makes to us : when hee contends with our lufla in his Word and f e- cret fùggeflions, let him not alwaies !!rive, but let us give up our lefhly affeaions to bee crucified by him : when he woes and invites us, when hee offers to leade and to draw us; let us not flop the care, or pull away the {boulder, or draw backward like froward children , or calf cold water in the face of Grace, by thwarting the motions,and rebelling, againfl the di6lates, thereof, but let us yeeld our felves unto him, captivate all our iufts, and ccniècrate all our powers, and fubmit all our delres to his rule and government; and then when bee bath beene a Spirit ofunion,to incorporate us into Chrifls bo- dy ; and a Spirit of un &tion to fancfiñe us with his Grace, hee will undoubtedly be a Spirit o` comfort and affurance. to feale us unto the day of our full redemption. THE