Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

? ' - ;., .G-a 1=ra ',^.. i THE LIFE OF CHRIST. PHILIP. 1.10. That I may know Him, and the power of His Ref r- rec`kion, and thefcllowfhip of his Wirings He purpofe of the Apoftle in this place is to arme the Church of the Philippians againit thofe falfe Iudaizing Teachers that Confounded Chrifl; and c.. 'Eofes , Circumcifion and the Cofpell together. This hee Both by Arguments P es- fonall from men, and by arguments reali from the matter it felf. Arguments `Perfonall are brit from the difpofition,quali- ty,End of thole falfe teachers, whom he detcribes,ver.3. They are evill trees , and therefore no great heed to bee given to the fruits they beare, to the doá}vines they ob- trude. They are Dogs, uncleane beans, that barite onely for their bellies ; and doe not onely barke , but watch their times to bite too. They are evill workers ; though they come like fello w workers with Chrifi, pretending much ftriane1fein the edification of the Church, yet in- deed their bufineffe is only to pull downe and to pervert. ' They are the concifon, where the Apoltle by an Jroni- i call Paranomafia thewes the end of their dodtrines,They preach