Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

474 !he Life of Chrift. preach indeed, Circumcifion, but their bufinefle is fchifrn and Concifion ; In the Law it was Circumcifion, Gods ordinance , but now being-by Chrift abolished it is no- thing at all but a bare conciton or cutting of the flesh , and will in the event prove a rent and 1chifine in the Church. The fecond perfonall Argument is taken from the Apofiles owne condition , who neither by nature nor Education was an enemie to Legali Ceremonies , who in all points had as great reafón to vindicate the Law, and to boast in flefhly priviledgcs as any of thofe Falle Teachers, ver, 4. Ile was by mature an Ifretelite of the whole blood as well as they ; by Education, of the ftrieteti fc &t of all, a Phari fie by cu ftome and pra6tice a perfecutor of the Church , under that very name becaufe the law he had Beene bred under was endangered by that new way ; and in his course of life altogether unblame- able in regard of legali Obedience and observations: and laftly in his opinions touching them, bee- counted them gainful) things, and relied upon them for his ialvation, till the Lord opened his eyes, to fee the light of the glo- rious Gofpell of God in the face of Ietiis Christ. The ar- guments from the matter are firft from the Subftance of which Circumcifionwas the fhadow. Wee are the Cir- cumci(ion, zvho worfhip God in the fpirit and rejoyce in Chris`s Iefus, &c. verf, 3. They boast in the flesh, they have a Concifion, but we are the Circumcifion, becaufe we have the fruit and truth of Circumcifion, the fpiri- tuall worn-lip of God, which is oppofite to external) Ceremonies. loh. 4. 2 3 . Secondly from the plenitude and allufficiency of Chntt, which Rands not in neede of any legali acceilion to piece it out, and this the Apoltle fhewes by his owne praciice and experience. What things were gaine to me thofe3 counted lofe for Chrifi, becaufè they were-things that kept him from Christ before, and he repeats the tame words Co3fiiently againe that lice might not be thought to have fpoken them unadviled- ly