Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

`IhcLifèof Chrif ly or in a heate, lea doubtlel e and I count all thing: but lofe for the excellency of the knowledge of (brig Ief u my lord, for whom I have fu fered the lofe of f' all things, As a merchant in a tempest is contented to fuffer the loffe of all his goods to redeeme his life , or rather as a man will bee content to part with all his owne beggarly furniture for a Jewell of great value, Mat.13 .q+. One- ly here wee are to note that the Apottledid not fuffer the loffe Of them quoad Subf antiam , in regard of the Subf ance of the duties, but quoad qualitatem & officium Iuf sficandi, in regard of that dependance, and Expecta- tion of happineffe which he had from them before. Nei- ther did he only fuffer the Joffe of them (as a man may doe of things which are excellent in themfelvesand ufe, as a merchant throwes his wares out of the fhip,when yet he dearly loves them, and delights in them) but he thews what effimation he had of them, /count them dung, that I may-winne C'hri fl,i count them then filthy carrion : fo the word lignifies ; c,waxhx, quafi xvo otA , garbage and filth that is thrown out to dogs, things which dogs(fuch as he defcribes thefe falle teachers to be)may delight in but the fpirit of God in a fincere heart cannot relifh nor .favor in comparifon of Chrifl. And may be found in him, when I (hall appeare before the face of Cod, or may finde in him All that I lode for him, that is a mofi plentifull recompence for any legal commodities which I part from for his fake, not Having mine ownerighteoufne fe, Crc. Here the ApoL.Ile diffinguilheth of a twofold righteouf- neffe; Legali which is a mans owne, becaufe a man muff come by it by working himfelfe, Rom. i 0.5 .And Evan- gelical , which is not a mans owne , but the righteouf- ne fe of God,Rom, 3.21, 2 2. Freely given to us by grace through Chrttf. That I may know him, &c. That I may have the Experience of his Grace and mercy in Iullitying me freely by faith through the vertue of his fufferings and refurre &ion. Here 475