Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

476 The Life of Chri.I. Here then we have thefe two things let down,hrlt the `Preciotsfnefc, Iecondly the nature of laving Faith. The Precioufne ffe is in the whole lcope of the place, for the words are a comparative fpeech, where faith is preferred before all legali andmorali performances. The nature is opened by the AEI of ir,Knezvledge, and the Object, the venue of Chrifts Refurrati ®n, and the fellow/hip of his Sufferings. Touching the former of thcfe two , the (cope of the Apot le in this place is to lhew,that faith is the molt pre- cious and excellent gift of God to a Chriflian man. So it is exprefly called by Saint Teter, a pretioris faith. 2 Pet. I. I . For underlianding of which point wee muff note that faith may be Confidered in a double refpect. Either as it is a Rsalitie inherent in the Soule, or as an ?nftru- ment whereby the Soule apprehendeth force other thing,. Now in the fame thing there is much difference between it felfe as a gualitie, and as an Inftrument. Heate as a aalitie, can only produce the like quality again,but as a an lnftrument of the Sunne it can produce life and lenfe, things of more excellency than the Qaalitie it fel . Faith as a Qualitie is no better than other graces of the Spirit, but as an Inl}rument fo it hath a QL.lickning qualitie which no other Grace hath. The juftjhalllive by Faith. This pretioufnefl'e of Faith is feene chiefely in two re- fpeas. Firlt, is regard of the Objects, and fecondly,in re- gard of the Offices of it. Firi Faith bath the moil preti- ous and excellent objet1 of any other, Chhrift and his Truth,and promifes. Herein, faith the Apoi }le, God com- mended His Love, in that when we were finners Chrifl Idied, m. S . 8. This was the loveraigne and moli excel lent love token,and tefllhcation of divine favour that ever was fent from Heaven to men. God fo loved the world, fo fuperlatively, fo beyond all meafure or apprehenton,. that Hegave his Sonne, loh. 3.16. There is filch a corn- paffe