`rbe Life òf Ch . ; 47.7 ,pallreof-a1l i rifle cin:P.óc4itplr 9ii et1í0hr9 11 _ .. -Clzrill ;f is heigtNapiiigngth,,,.md bxya 1A4 j.p çlepth, s'hàa .lees:it:. xeeo liaill ® g fi jEp.. 34184-9It is ex- ßeedingstud'unfea 044 riebgP4R P9 vu,Pxd'th3 -_ whiçh'. Iiiihddolegsillponi4159iR is it erb»- clay% tad crl ftwAldi Yet v by Wm. 1; be. pOisolliksl, nutde faGiktillai ltibitoOPPdt rki1e # r if @sti9!'l, ? pF.P cuse4 alvation Ç Us iÂt141itlie IggRitiO1WhiOkc.9.K4tEPrt andJJrcur;e s-in the eertaintia äf ;tub. ; and all thefe_are' pret3iousithings, i T;hebleedof 4íg,-4, ;pro¡aosfood .' 1 t. gat.Ilia1 : ifPr + j41,73 Jil:P11e i4W rffIlle r: Wet. j .4.e4nçt the pomb .Fol g `icCWIRti of ce cing. ßxdroboN 44 t zveígI7t,of g,{átjr,-;a:00.44 4 7' it #t FklY be.öbjeted, Have-not other gaols the fame ,Qbje &as Weil as Faith ? Doe we not love Chril },and feare him, and- hopeaiu.lnl,;and.defite4Hinn, 10. well as bglieve in him, ? True i0y4l., but..le, P ,?s,tl?e,exceilency, of Faith, that :it itlje kirft grace. w1igh;1QOkes,tówards Chrifl, . :Now. the, Scripture.tffeth to commend things -by their order and precedency. As the women are cornmencled forcaanmingfïrf{ to the Sepulcher ; the tneffenger,which brings the first tidings of ,,good things is ever gnolt wet- .Come .; :the fervant who is nearell his , maflers perfon is efleemed the belt man in that order : fo ;faith being the firfl grace that brings tidings of Salvation, the neareft Grace to Cirills Perfon, is therefore the melt excellent in regard of theobjeä. Secondly, Faith is the mofc precious objet in rçgard of the offices of it, Though in its inherent and habituall qualification it be no more noble than other graces, yet` in the offices, which it executeth, it is taste mr)pre excellent than any. Two pieces. of parchment; and : waxe. are in' themfelves of little of no :difference in value, but in their .offices which they beare as inftruments or patents one may as. farre exceed the. other as a mans life exceeds,. his Cph. s 7 : Eph.;.8. , rnq7)4s ard The,,xv ars Clem ,Alex f?rom.lifi. z. ii