Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

s -hit' f leis laiídi5i MillM{étri Uyili¢ P VatAicittiqiirctife - t e t rhea leafe 4 áeo*a 1' 1.1keirititiiiii aL ie)in )l:titlíisnpei- fonallef}Itdbebx áinfe4eitictò'aaother,yet'a - aíßOfEr. cér in the Citie bee ì a {Save a-gr'eA, precedence.atxcl di,' fiance above hiin.` 'C 1Wpare a ié e'áf go4ld.with a.feale offilver or brat e , an'et it may 've'art `rriére worth in it felfe yet the Wei-lath are. -O# ce of 3ttlitiive power to ratifie covenants of faire more worth than the péice of gold ",' fo is itbetWeeì e faith and dtlter Graóes ; Confi- der Faith in its inherent properties, fo it is tot more no- blethantherefl:- but confider it as--an infiftimërit, by God appointed forth& moil noble (Acts , fo iis it the ':-molt fuperlative and excellent grace. Thefe offices Which are to it peculiar, I take it are principally thefe three. The firit to unite to Chrift and give poffefli n of him. The Apoflle pray es for the E i-efiant., that Chrift may diiell in their hearts by faith-, Eph.3 -. I7. Wealth in the Mine doth no good at all till it be f ever d and appropria- ted to perlons and ufès t Water in the Fountain is of no 'ferviee unto me, till it be conveyed thence to mineowne Cifierne ; the light of thee Swine brings no comfort to ;him «rho hath no eyes to en joy it So though Clirifl bee -`a Mine full of excellent and unfearchable riches, a Foun- eaíne full ofcomforts and ref refliments, a Sunne ofrigh- teoufneffe, a Capraine and Prince of Life and Salvation, yet till he is made ours, till there be force bond and com- munion betweene him and us, we remaine as poore and miferable as if this Fountain had never beene opened,nor this Mine discovered. Now this union to and Communidn with Chriff is on our part the worke of Faith, IN hich is as it were the fpiri- tuall joynt and ligament by which Chrif1 and a Chriftian are coupled. In one place we are faid to live by Chrifi, Becaufe Ilive, faith he,yoa all live al/o,Ioh.14.19. In ì another,6y Faith, The lull fhall live by Faith. Heb, I O. 1 3 8. How by both ? By Chrift, as the Fountains; By