IhiLi Faith, as the pipe. cotwéying` _water to us from. he fourrr- taine By Chr-itt, as the Foundation;UiBy.Faiclis ;as.th Cementknitting us to the foundation ; By C ititt;as.the Treafure ;, By Faith, as the_ clue whichrdireffs.; :la& vhe Keye whiçh opens and let us into that `reafure.s -Tùis the Apotlle explaines, in the 'former place , wheletliee ? tl2 ewesn- by what. tnenes. Faith-makes us live , namely, by giving us an.entrance, and approach to Mitt , for hee oppoletkFaitiato dr4 inn l&acke,verf. T:9 ;1o.Notiiag J that the proper wòrke of Faitlits dos -ttsnuto Elrrif#, as our Saviour himfel fe expounded' .relieving. in . Him`, by comming unto him. Iohn 6.64,65.. Therefore the A- poftle puts both together, not bot Chrifi liveth in- meei, 4yd the life Yrhich l live, ?. live by the Fäith of the Sonne á, Go f.Ga1;2 2o. Faith is_c*mpaeed to eating anddrin. 'king, /oh.-6. and we know. laereis tao fenfe requires fuch an intimate and fecret union to its objedt as that of xa= 'i}ing,.no fenfe that is the inftrun*ent of fo neare a union as that. So then as the motion of the mouth in eating is not in the nature of a motion any whit moreexcellent than the motion of the eye or foote , oiv of itfelfe in (peaking ; yet in tlae.in trumentall ot6ce of life and nou- ri(hment it is farce more neceflarie : Su though Faith in the íuhf1ance of it as it is an inbern~nt qualitie bath no fin. gular excellency above other graces ;; yet as it is an in- ttrumernt of conveying Christ our fpirituall Bread unto our foules, and io of afriicnulating and incorporating us into him , which no other Grace can doe , no more than the motion of the eye or foote can nouriththe bo- dy ; fo it is the mot+ precious and ulefull of all others. It may be objer:`ted, doe not other graces joyne a man unto Chriil, as well as Faith ? Onion is the proper effeEt of Love ; therefore wee are one with Christ as well by lo- ving him, as by believing in lim. To this I anfwer, that Love.makes only a moral/ u- nion in affections but Faithmakes a myfticall ;union , a mare