4:49 Tke:Life, more clofeand intimate fellowship innature bet weene us and laraft. uBellides, inunediatetieibe- tWeene. Chrilt and, a Chriitin,but lovea fecondary uni- orEfoilovvingupon, and growlitledon the fortiger By nature we are all enemies to Chrif k. and his kingdom; of the Lewes ntinde, we will not have this man to reigne ()per us therefore till by Faith wee are throughly per- fwadedf Chrifis Love is us , wee can never repay love bintagaiije; Herein is lave , kith tJieJpoft1e not ¡hail we loved tst that. he loved iss and fens his Swine. Now betweene 66d-8-Love and ours comesFaith to make us one with Chriff, wee have !Talmo and he the love 'that 'God bath to tiv , v.16. And:hence it followes that beeaule by Faith-as-, He fo are wte in this world , therefore Otir Hiit made perfeE end fir-ve loved him, becaufè hee fir.F1 set, v. [9. So that we fee the union we have with Chrill by Love prefuppofeth the Vnitie wee have in Him by Faith ;. fo Faith (till bath the preeminence. .The] fecond office wherein cot-1(141st llecellencie of Faith isa Con fetiuen t of the fontee, narntly tf6 jaTlifie a mor fa:ff.:there isto man righteddslii the light of God any fin-diet-than he is taken into theunitie of Chrift,and intlatinefellowalip of his Merits. God is alone well pleafedin-Chria, and till a man be4Member of his Bo- die o. pearti)fhis fulnefre, het catliiett- 1ppeare in Gods preknce. This was the:reafon wily Chritt would have none of hisbones broken, or taken off from the commu- nion of' his natural! .body, yob. 19.36; to note the indiffoluble thion w1th was to bee betweene him and His myllticalltlembet4:' So that now a§ in a natu- ralliodie the member is certainly fait to the whole to Jonas the bones are fii-me and found : fo ín the myíti- call, where the body is, t1,4reriniffeVery Member be too, becaufe the bones mull notbe broken afunder. If then (Thrift goe to Heaven, if Flee ftanclunblameable before Gods rirrell