q-84 The LifeofChrit. and a certaine Treafure , Col. 3.3 . Faith which alone puts us into him, Both therewithall make our falvation fure unto us. Rebalel7 lay in Sion a chiefe corner fone, eleti and precious,(there is both our foundation and our Treafure) now the fafety whichfaithbrings from hence is this ; He that believeth íhall not bee confounded,or put to fhame; in the Prophet it is, fhall not make hafie, i `Pet. 2.6. both words expreffe Witty. , For a man to rely up- on another for any good thing, and at laíft to faile in his expetation , this mull needes flume him in the difap- pointment of his hopes; but when the hopes of a man are grounded upon the unféarchable riches, and the un- failable procnile, and the immutable truth, power, and goodnefle of God ; impoflîble it is that the faith of filch a man fhould fhame or deceive him. When a man is f è- cure and certaine of any good thing,. bee is contented to waite the feafon of it ; David by Gods promife and union was certaine of the Kingdome.and therefore hee would not take away the life of Saul when it was in his power, but waited till the time of his death by God ap- pointed fbould come, I Sam.26. 9, i o, I I. but when a man is unconfident of a thing , be is ready to fnatch at every probabilitie, to make ufe of every occation that happens to further his defies, If I fbould fee two men going towards the Court in competition for Tome office or preferment, and fhould obferve the one to ride night and day in full fpeede, to deny himfelfe the comforts of the way, and to expreffe much impatiencie and indigna- tion at every floppage that met him ; the other to take time and leifure, to rely upon the former promifes of the prince , or the prevalency of force honourable friends, and to laugh at the greedineffe of his competicor,I fhould eafily conclude that thehopes of that man were greater, whofe halle is leffe : for when a man bath a thing al- ready in promife , and that from the hands of a marl of whole power and fidelitie he bath infallible affurance, he is. . .-.....-