The Lifè of (",hrifl. 485 is not over vehement fbr performance, but willingly at- tends the times and good plealiire of his friend. Now ithis is the bufinefhe of faith to give a being to the things we hope for, and though in themfelves they bee a farre on, and out of fight, yet to make them fubiiilent and at hand in the promife, even within the reach and embrace- ment of Faith, Heb; I.I.1,13. So that Faith cloth there- fore keep a man from greedineffe and precipitancy in his purfuite, and from confution and flume in h s hopes or good,becaufe it fees them as fafe,and certain in the power and promifes of Gbrit', as it they were already made good unto him. So then to conclude this point, Faith being the onely Grace wherein is magnified the fulneffe and frceneife of Gods favour, and wherein is fecured his promife to all the feed ; It mutt nee.'s bee the &tell grace for a mercifull Iuftification. The third office of Faith, is having put us into Chritl, and ¡unified us by him, to give su together with Hite all other things, which is the conviátion that the Apothe makes, Ram.8. 3 2. If He have given to Chrifl, how [hall He not with him freely alfogive us all things ? Thefe All Things, are of two forts. Firfl, All graces : Secondly, All fecular good things. Saint Peter puts them together, and ihewes how they runne from Chrifl to us, through Faith as the pipe; His divine Power bah given unto us all things that appertaine to Life and Çodline fie, and that through the knowledge(that is,the Faith)of him that bath called us to glory and vertue, i Pet. I.3. Finn, all Graces : Faith is the firti Grace in a Chriilian Soule, and the fpring of the reft. This is the maine bufi neffe of that excellent chapter, He b. I I. to ßhew how Faith was the mailer wheele in the lives and aaions of thole holy men vt hofe renowne is there upon record. The Apolile tels us that Faith work, th by Love,Ga1. 5 6. where by Love wee may underíland either generally the univerfa.11 habit of all other operative graces, and then 1 i 3 the Habet fides ocu- los fuos qui bus quodammodo vrdct v11r707 cfè quad non - dam videt. Árag. 4.11 Z. ZrfoÀs144 c i- Clem. 4leti. (1. om. lib. z. Anticivatio & p% eeomprehen- fo ibid. ricalÇ nJ aytios(;) )4rec7Yoi. I bid. li b. S.