Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

$ 6 `l e Life of C%ri. the fèfafe is, that Faith doth as it were aa.uate and ani- .ti; mate all other .habits of grace, and apply them to their 07u4,:yá ?$ . ieverail workes : Or rather particularly, that Love of t to ' ¿. God which is 'ed a 2road in oar hearts by the Ilo, j Gbsfl ; and then the method . and meaning of the place is this. Firft, Faith (hewes us the great Love of Cod in Chriit, i he life that I live, faith the:Apofe,, Ilive by the Faith of the Sonne of God,who loved me, and gave Hinsfelf e for rne,Gal.2.2 o. where we fee the principall dilcovery that Faith makes in Curia },..and that it fixeth upon is His love to us ; and this is a mof,li foveraigne au.i fuperlative love : Herein faith the A'poitle God commended, ('od heaped together His Love toward us, in that while wee were yet fanners, Ckrifl. died for tie , Rom.5.$. Secondly, Faith having thus revealed to our hearts the Love of God in Christ, Both kindle in them a reci- procall Love towards Gantt againe, working in us the fame mind that is in Christ, 'Phil. s.. 5 . and enflaming our fpirits to a retribution of' Love for Love. We have belee- ved the Love that God bath to au, f ith the Apottle, and therefore, faith he,we love Him becaufe He loved us firf . john 4. i 6, 19. Thus Faith worketh Love. But no .v thirdly there is a.fureher power in Faith, for it doth not only woa'ke Love, but it worketh by Love as the Text fpeakes : that is, it maketh uíe of that Love which it hath thus kindled, as of a goad and incentive to further ohzdience ; for that Love which we repay unto Chriít againe, ftirrerh us_ unto an intimate and Heavenly communion with H m, unto an entire and fpirituall con - formitie unto Him. And the reaton is, becaufe it is a conjugal Love,and therefore a fruitful! love, for the end of marriage is fru6ification. Yee are become dead to the I a v, faith the Apofll.e,, by the body of Chrifl, that ye Jbould bee married to another, even to Him who is railed from the dead, and the end of this fpirituall marriage is added, That we Jhould bring for th fruit unto God, which is